Lost a Match

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As the final whistle blew, you looked over at Trent as he swore and rubbed his hands across his face

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As the final whistle blew, you looked over at Trent as he swore and rubbed his hands across his face. Liverpool's unbeaten run was over and you could feel the tense atmosphere amongst the fans behind you as some left the stadium in disappointment and anger but others stayed in their seats, trying to gather their thoughts. The opposing side's players celebrated joyfully as Liverpool's players were stoic and completely blank on the outside.

You noticed Skip get up from his seat and begin to clap, the players beside him and in front of him following in his steps. He walked on to the grass and to his team in red, consoling them and giving them hugs as did Jurgen. When you realised Trent wasn't on the pitch anymore, you walked down the steps to the exit and glided around the corner, showing your pass to the security guards standing on each side of the double door.

After a while of trying to get them to let you in, they agreed after several calls to the main desk and you made your way to the hallway where the away players' dressing room was located. Trent was talking quietly to one of the Liverpool staff members but had his back facing you. Peter noticed you first and nodded in your direction as you smiled back softly when Trent turned his head, a relieved sigh leaving his lips. Peter walked off somewhere else when you made your way to your boyfriend who stood with his hands in his pockets, clearly upset over the results but trying his best not to show it.

"Hi." You softly spoke to him as he just hummed shortly in response. Your hand reached up to Trent's forehead as you pulled back the short baby hairs that fell flat as he turned his head to the side, hearing someone call his name. "Yeah, I'll be with you in a minute." Trent turned his attention back to you and sighed, "You can cut the tension with a knife in the dressing room."

You breathily chuckled at his comment as he rested his head on your shoulder, your arms wrapping around him. He sighed again and snaked his arms around your waist, burying his head into the crook of your neck. Even after a match, his cologne stood strong. It was a thick musky scent that instantly just made you feel secure and fitted Trent perfectly. You pulled away to see his face once more but a frown was still etched on to his lips so you brought both of your hands to his face, caressing his cheeks delicately. "Today was horrible." You faintly smiled and removed one of your hands from his face but instead interlocked it with Trent's, your thumb gently brushing back and forth in an attempt to ease his mind.

"We go again." You whispered, grateful when you saw a little smile peek out. He looked down at you into your eyes and planted a soft and subtle kiss, lingering on your lips and sneakily got another one in before you pulled away and embraced him once more. "I love you beautiful." He mumbled into your jacket as you smiled to yourself, a blush creeping on to your cheeks. You found yourself slowly playing with his hair with your fingers and you muttered back, "I love you too champ."

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