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Still smiling, Taehyung made his way to his class. After having the chance to change his life, he started taking school more serious, sometimes even learning with Suga after school. This bunch of free time was driving him a little crazy and he needed things to get his mind off Jungkook or his past. Once he even went to church to apologize for everything he had done but he found that it wasn't his cup of tea. 

So now he was here, standing in front of his music class, already thinking about how to make his plan work. And it all had to do with this class. 

"Kim Taehyung, you're late", the teacher let him know after he entered the room, all the other students looking at him, probably expecting him to tick out and punch the teacher. 

"I know. I'm sorry", Taehyung apologized before sitting down on his seat. 
He could feel the judging looks by his classmates but he decided to ignore them. 

Suga just smiled at his best friend, happy that he tried to change. Of course, he also tried his best. He started that with telling Jimin everything about his past. Why he didn't want to be called Min Yoongi. And they are currently trying to figure out a way to make him accept his name. Cause Suga was someone he didn't want to be anymore. Suga was a facade he tried to hide his past with and now that he started all over, now that he started to be the boy again he was a few years ago before he found the park, he wanted to learn how to accept his past. That what happened to him just made him stronger. 

He wanted to be Min Yoongi again. 

"I want Jeongguk back", Taehyung let bis best friend know. 
"How?" "Kimoon won't be a problem. He lost his men, and we have an agreement to fight for him fairly. And I have an idea." "I'll help you." "No. I have to do it alone. I just want to let you know that you don't have to worry about our music project anymore. And please, tell Jimin and the rest that they are safe. Just don't let them near Jungkook yet."

Suga nodded. 

"Thank you." Taehuyng smiled, looking at his best friend. He was proud of what he was doing, how strong he was. "I love you Yoongi", he added. 

"Shut up stupid", Suga joked, but internally smiling about the progress he made. He not only was over Taehyung and saw him as a brother now, but he was also able to hear his name without having flashbacks of that night or wanting to rip the person's throat apart. 

Jimin had told him that he needed to associate his name to positive things. So whenever someone had something good to tell him, they should call him by his real name. 
He knew that Jimin wasn't a psychologist but that kind of made sense so he followed his instructions. Jimin was a great friend. 

A friend. 

"Please sit down in your groups again. I'm sorry for being absent the last weeks, I had some health problems but now I'm fit and I hope you all have worked on your songs. This will be the last hour to work on them so please, hurry up."

Taehyung smiled and stood up to walk towards Jungkook's table, Suga following him. 

"I have the project ready already. Since you both didn't feel like showing up to music class I did it alone. We'll just tell him that we worked on it together and I sang it alone." With that Jungkook turned around again, looking down on the floor. 

"Don't you want me to look over it?" Taehyung asked. 
"You have done enough Kim." 

"Oh, now you're calling me by my last name? Not so long ago you were moaning something else." Jungkook blushed but was way too angry to give him the satisfaction of being able to play with him as much as he wanted. 

"Not so long ago you also said that I should leave you alone." "I changed my mind." 
"I'm sorry but it doesn't work that way." 

"I love you Jeon Jeongguk-" "I have heard that already twice. And both times you left me after that. I won't let that happen to me a third time. I'm not stupid and- I have a boyfriend."

"Didn't you have one in the bathroom earlier as well? Didn't seem to bother you that much back then." "That was a mistake." 

"Kiss me only one time again and then tell me in my face that it was a mistake. Tell me that you're over me. And I'll leave you alone forever." 

He could see that Jungkook was thinking about his offer but he knew he wouldn't accept it. He knew that al of this wouldn't help at all, this wasn't his plan anyways. But he wanted Jungkook to know what was on his mind. He needed to tell him this for the sake of his plan. 

Still, seeing Jungkook shake his head and turning around to leave the classroom, hurt a little. 

One day you'll finally be mine

"Well if that was your plan, you kinda messed up bro", Suga giggled before sitting down on the empty chair. "You really think I am that dumb? I knew this wouldn't work. Remember that I was the boss of a group of drug dealers. Being smart is a must in that business." 

"I can't remember you being the leader", Suga joked before looking down on the desk.

"I think you want to see this", Suga laughed after finding the lyrics to the song Jungkook wrote. 
"You know what, you probably don't", Suga added after reading the first lines. 

"You definitely don't", Suga laughed after reading the chorus. 

Taehyung breathed out, a little annoyed at the fact that Jungkook had written a whole song about what a dick he was but could understand why he did. 

"Well, at least he said that you are 'addicting like a drug'", Suga joked. 

"Yeah, he also called me a 'fucking cunt'. That's the fucking chorus. I mean I didn't expect him to be a songwriter but please, there's about one rhyme and it's probably thanks to rhyme zone (A website for rhymes etc.)." 

"I love it. The lyrics are already stuck in my head", Suga proceeded to joke. 

"Don't be so blunt you fucking cunt", Suga began to sing the lyrics. 

"Shut up", Taehyung snapped back, before rolling his eyes at his best friend. 

"Jungkook has talent."


Does anyone want a full version of the song as much as I do? It's already stuck in my head.

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