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It was around midnight and the group of friends sat in the living room of Taehyung's house. 
Everyone stayed silent, just looking down on their feet, not believing what the blond had told them. Not believing that everything was over now. 

"We won", Jimin whispered. "Yeah, but for what price?" Hoseok mumbled, "how many people died so we can sit here now?" "Too many", Taehyung responded, even though he knew that Hoseok didn't really want an answer. 

"I'm sorry, okay? I know I don't deserve this chance to start all over again. I don't deserve friends like you guys. And I most definitely don't deserve you", Taehyung admitted, turning around to the brunette mail that was sitting on the sofa, right next to him, holding on to his hand as if his life depended on it. 

The young boy was still shocked by what happened in the bathroom but most of all, he felt guilty. He couldn't shake off the feeling that the death of Choi Kimoon was his fault. 

He probably would never forget how the boy raised his gun to his head, taking his life right in front of his eyes. The blood that splattered all over the bathroom and the dead body falling on the floor with a noise he will never be able to erase from his mind. 

"We all made mistakes, some more than others. But it's okay. From now on we can be whatever we want to. Let's live our life properly. Let's try to live in a way we will look back at when we're old and be able to say 'I enjoyed my life'. Just promise me that", Namjoon preached. 

The rest of the group nodded. 

"Now if you'd like to excuse us, We promised Hoseok to take him to a  karaoke bar", Jin smiled before dragging Namjoon and Hoseok out of the house. 

"I think you two have to talk a little- or do other things, I don't know", Suga mumbled before standing up and walking upstairs. "Wait for me", Jimin shouted before following him, but not before turning around one last time and smiling at his friends. 

"I wish you all the best." 

With that he disappeared up the stairs, leaving the two boys in silence. "Let's talk about that song you made. What was this 'fucking cunt' thing about?" Taehyung asked, looking at the boy on his right. 

"After all that happened you really want to talk about that?" 

Jungkook couldn't believe Taehyung. But exactly things like that made him love the blond even more. 

"Yeah. I mean, I at least tried to make a good song-" "Just shut up, will you?" 
"Make me", Taehyung joked, remembering the last time he said that. 

But this time, it worked out the way he wanted it. 

And once again a pair of lips crashed on his, like a missing piece of a puzzle. Taeyhung couldn't stop the thought of wanting to explore more of Jungkook than just his lips. He wanted to feel him. He slowly began placing soft kisses on the younger's jawline, wandering up and down his neck several times, leaving marks all over him. 

"I love you Jeon Jeongguk."

"I didn't hear you, would you like to repeat it?" Jungkook teased, enjoying every single second with Taehyung. 

"I'll repeat it as much as you want me to until we die." 

"Is that a threat?" Jungkook joked.

"It's a promise."

"I sure hope it is", Jungkook laughed, trying to play off what he was internally feeling right now. Hearing these words made his heart beat in an unhealthy tempo. 

"I love you too, fucking cunt." 


"They are probably all lovey-dovey down there", Jimin mumbled a little awkwardly, not sure what he could say to Suga. Well, he knew what he wanted to say, but he wasn't sure if it would come out. 

"Or Taehyung is fucking Jeongguk's brain out", Suga shrugged before sitting down on the bed. 

Jimin had to laugh about Suga's comment but he felt the room heat up a little after it. 

"What are you thinking about?" Suga asked, noticing the reflective look on Jimin's face. "Nothing much. Just if I should tell you something or not."

"Tell me. Please. I'm curious about what's on your mind. I don't exactly know why but you really make me want to know more about you." 
Okay. I'll tell you. But promise me this won't ruin our friendship, okay?" 
"I promise." 

"I like you", Jimin just quickly muttered, not able to look the elder in the eyes. 

"Like a friend?"  Suga asked, but he kind of knew the answer already. "No. More than a friend. I have since I saw you the first time in the hall at school."

"Oh", Suga mumbled, not knowing what to respond. Of course, he had noticed that he liked Jimin. That the boy was special to him and that he enjoyed spending time with the small boy. But he had never thought about liking liking him. 

If he was completely honest, there were definitely feelings for the younger. Feelings that weren't normal for friends. But was he really ready to fall in love again?

He didn't know. But he'd like to find out. 

"So?" Jimin asked, already regretting telling the elder. 

"I'll consider it", Suga grinned. 

"What does that mean?" 

"It means that I'm still figuring out everything. If I know more, you'll be the first I'll tell", Suga teased before taking a step towards Jimin. 

"And how long will that take?" 

"I don't know, but maybe you could help me shorten the process."

With every word, he moved closer to the younger until he finally stood right in front of him, way to close for Jimin to be able to talk properly. 

"And how do I do that?"

"I have something in mind".

And with that, he softly placed his lips on Jimin's, making the younger forget his name for a second. 

After what seemed ages and seconds at the same time, Suga backed away slowly, his eyes still closed, wanting to never forget the feeling he just had experienced. 

"Okay, I considered it", he muttered, now looking the younger in the eyes. 

"And?", Jimin asked, still a little dazed from the kiss.

"I want more of this", Suga answered before pressing his lips on the youngers again.



I thought I'll never do it but I did. I'm so happy I decided to spent my day with this cause wow, I feel really proud of myself. I spent only two months on this story but it feels like an eternity. 

I don't really have much to say since I don't know how this story will do or if anyone will ever read this since I'm not the best author but I tried my best. 

I also hope my Englisch wasn't too bad and it didn't bother you too much. 

I also want to apologize to my mother for writing some things I shouldn't write with 14, but it was rather harmless considering that there are 10-year-olds writing smut on Wattpad lol. 

I'll read the whole story again and correct a few mistakes I made but that should be it. I'll make a cover and I still need a name haha. But then I'll post it and I hope it has at least 1000 reads by the end of the year. I know, big dreams. But my other one (A german Larry story) has 2000 so maybe this will work as well. I'm not all about reads and I'm just happy to have finished this story but I put many hours into this and seeing that people like it is just one of the best feelings in the world :) So yeah, if you didn't already, leave a comment or a vote or even both and help a friend out haha, since you read until here you probably didn't hate it so yeah...

Love yaa<3

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