Untitled Part 9

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" why do they want to know that " " so they can one step ahead of you guys" " and how would they know what our plan would be" " well I asked that and the ninja demon hired some people to hear what your plan is " " really " " yup and then when he knows what our plans is the ninja demon start thinking of how it can freak you out and and hopefully you would stop" " so what are we going to do now" I asked ?" Well I told Nick to ask the ninja demon if I can help then when he  ask how can I help I just told him what I told you guys " " and what did he say " " well believe it or not he said ok" " so the plan is working " asked rose " yes " " did he asked any questions" asked Reyna " well he did want to know how I got his number and why did I want to know about all the information he was giving me " and what did you " I ask " well I told him at first I was helping you guys but then when he was explaining everything I told him that I wanted to help." " Dang I can't believe that I believe that " " well I am a good at lieing " " well I think we should all hang out at my place tomorrow at my place " " don't want to be rude Monica but if we are making a plan then what are the chances  the ninja demon might hear it" Erika asked " what do you mean " " well the is a chance that he might of his a little mic so this can hear the plans " good point can you text Nick and see if that happened " " and what do I say when he wants to know why I am asking " " well you can say that you are wondering how this thing even knows when the are planning stuff at someone house because you can't hired someone to spy on them in the house ." " Ok then " then we waited a few minutes then Nick text back and the text said " only Monica place is bugged that all we know " " ok then where  should we hang out tomorrow " I asked " how about rose place " asked Reyna " rose are ok with us hanging out at your place tomorrow " I asked " yeah and thanks for asking " " no problem , ok tomorrow we all go to go rose place and start thinking what we should next " "ok "

It was the next day and we where all at rose place " ok does anyone have any ideas what we can do next " I ask "" well do you have any ideas Monica " asked Reyna " I don't ,but even if I did what are the chances we even do what I plan " " true " " so back to the question does does any one of ideas. " " well Monica is there a chance you can text also they can give some more information " asked Erika . " Well there is maybe two people I can text" " well can you text them "  " yeah " I got my phone out and I text Sabrina and the text said " hey sorry to get you but can give many more information about anything about the figure of anything it said to you " after I sent the text I also text my ex and the text said. " Hey what  else did Sabrina say happens at the pary" then I sent the text " " so who did you text " Erika asked " I text my ex and her best friend " " why did you text them ". " Because her best friend was at the party and knows something about the ninja demon and I text my ex because Sabrina tells my ex everything and now we wait. " After a few minutes Sabrina text back and the text said " maybe where do you say to meet so I can tell you " " where do you want to meet " "the park " " no nevermind just text me " " why did you change your mind. " It doesn't matter just text me what happened " " uhh the person was tall and he hates you guys " " " wow thanks bye " " so what did Sabrina say " rose ask " well she said the figure was tall and the hates us " "are you serious " Celestia said " yup" " I have a theory " " what is your theory Erika " I said " well what if Sabrina was lieing what if the are leader of this " " I mean that does make sense kind " " what do you mean Monica " Reyna ask " well when I said Sabrina that I didn't want to go and meet up she kinda didn't like it and maybe she made up something quick " " well the are still our  too suspects so far " Reyna said " well now we have to think you in our group is tall." I said

 " well that most of the guys but only two our not in the group so more and only one hate is the other is still cool with us" said Reyna " so are we back to nothing " I ask " yup" " dang" " what about the other person " ask Erika " you mean my ex" " yeah " " well she has not answered my text yet ."  After a few minutes later a finally got a text from my ex and the text said " all that I remember is she telling me me that the figure just wants to hurt us and the figure is having fun messing with me and the group and if she remembers anything else then she will text me " then I who we everybody in the group the text " maybe for now we should take her out of list of suspects " I said " why" Reyna asked " because I don't think that she is working with Sabrina" " do you really think so " rose ask ". Well I don't know for sure but for now this what I am thinking " " but what if you are wrong monica" ask Erika " well it wouldn't be the first time a was wrong about something "  " ok but now what should do now " " well since we have nothing to worry about we should have some fun " rose said " ok then " we all said " we're should we go to " I ask " well our friend Jamie is having a having a party at his house you guys want to go" rose ask " sure but who is driving " I ask ". Not it " said Reyna Ponting a finger to her nose this time not hurting her self " yeah I kinda figured that you wouldn't be the one driving , so out us three who is driving " " I am ok with driving " Erika said " are you ok with driving us to the party " I asked " yeah " we all went to Erika car and drive to Jamie house . When we finally arrived we saw all our friends and we Introduce Erika to all our friends and we spent 3 maybe 4 hours partying and when we were done Erika drove us back go to our place . In the morning I was getting for school and when I was getting ready to drive to school I want to my car any I saw that someone had wrote something on my baby so I got my phone out and took pictures because last time something like this happened no body believe me but now I have proof  and I know I could have dome that time but I wasn't thinking but now I am anyway I wanted till it was lunch time to talk to the girls. Finally after two classes it was finally time for lunch " hey guys " " sup Monica " " so guys I need to talk to you about something " " what is it " " well this morning when I walked  to my car someone wrote something on it " " Monica are you serious " " yeah I am " " do you have any proof " Celestia asked " yeah I took some pictures of it ,here look at it " I got my phone and showed them the picture " dang that sucks Monica " " rose can you text Erika to meet us at your place and and send her the picture also can you ask her if she can text Nick and ask him you did this " " got it Monica " " I am sorry rose if I am being bossy" " it's ok I know you just want answers "  then she went the text and after an hour Erika text back  and the text said.

 " ok I am on it and tell Monica to not worry I will have the answers tomorrow" ok tomorrow we all go to rose house got it " " got it " they all said " question are we meeting after school at my place or are we skipping school to meet up at my place" rose asked " good question ,what are you guys ok with  " " well we are ok with meeting after school " they said " ok what time " " how about at 5:00 " Reyna said. " Ok then 5:00 we meet at rose place " " ok then " they sadistic ". The next day after school I waited till it was 5:00 and I drove to rose place when I finally arrived everybody was there and I am so happy Erika is here " hey guys " sup Monica " " hey Erika has Nick answers your text " yes and Monica please relax I know you want answers but you need to relax " " ok I am sorry " " it's ok " " so what did Nick say " he said he doesn't know for sure you did but he said it for sure had to one of your friends had to do it "" how can that help us " said Reyna said. " Well it makes sense " " what do you mean Monica " " well on of my friends had to know that I was at the party and and they destroyed my baby what kind of monster dose that " " wait did you call your car your baby" Reyna asked " maybe I did,maybe I didn't but that doesn't matter right now what matter is we find out you did this " " ok then " " does every one remember  who was at the party " I ask " maybe we can asked Jamie to send us a list of people who was at the party " Celestia " that I be at idea " " who has Jamie number"  I ask " I do " Celestia said " can you please text him" " sure" an hour later Jamie sent the list and we looked at it. " Well I know for sure you  guys wouldn't do that " " and how would you know that Monica Erika asked " because I know that rose and Reyna are lazy and don't have time for that and Celestia is to mature to do that and Erika you are to smart to do that to me " " do you think any body else in our group has to do that " rose asked " depend you else is on the list " will there is Alex and his girlfriend " " no I don't think they did it " "why not " " because the are so focus on school I am surprise that they even went to the party , who else" " well the is novalee and Tyler " "no " " ok how about  we just ask our friends if any one was acting weird or if someone left early because this is going anywhere " said Reyna " ok then who should we text first " " why are we going to text them " Erika ask. " Well one is reason is maybe the are two busy to stop by rose place and second I don't know if rose mom would be ok if we invited more people to her house" I said " ok then" " so who texting who " I ask " well I can text Jamie " said Celestia " I can text Tyler" said rose " I can text novalee " Reyna said " I guess I am texting Alex and his girlfriend " I said after we sent the text as waited a few minutes then everybody has answers the text " well what did they say " Erika said " Alex said he didn't really see anything " I said " same with Jamie " Celestia said "yeah same" rose said " so Reyna what did novalee say " I ask " well she said she was that Sabrina was  there which she thought it was weird but then she thought maybe one of her friends had brought her to the party , but then she she was she was talking to someone and she heard them talking " Reyna said ."  What were they talking about " I asked " well the person wanted to know if she remembered the plan and she needs to keep I close an eye on us " " ok then Erika can you text Nick and ask if Sabrina is working with them and if she is can you also why she is working with them " " no problem monica" " dude what if she is " rose ask  " dude trust me I have plan "  " what is it " " well before I tell you guys we need to know if she is working with the ninja demon, Erika what did Nick say " " well had news she is and she has her resin why she is helping" " fuck I should have known " " what do we do now" rose asked " well for now let's do nothing " " what do you mean " " trust me I know what I am doing "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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