Untitled Part 3

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After I was done with the therapist I meet up with the girls since the will want to know how it to but I think I might lie to them again and here the come " so how did it go with the therapist " Celestia said " it was ok" " just ok " " yeah " then we just chatted till we had go. I saw dr.Aly once or twice a week it was not really helping me but it was making the girls happy that I was seeing someone about this problem but every time I went to talk to dr.Aly I kept hearing the voice and it keeps saying the same thing but maybe this time I should just tell the girls so that is what I am going to do. I also decided not to go to school later on rose was texting me and it said " are you ok Monica ,because you are not in school " " yeah .....I'm do you think you and the girls can come over " " yeah but why" " because we need to chat " " ok then " then later the girls were here now I have to tell them " so Monica what did you want to tell us" asked Celestia " well you guys you know that I have been going to therapy for about two months now" " yeah what about" asked Reyna " well if I am being honest therapy has not been working with me " " then we do you go then" " because you guys have been so happy that I was getting help" " so how come therapy not working for you." " Well um ......every time I go I want to tell the therapist every thing but um...I always hear this voice from the figure  that if I tell dr.Aly everything or if I tell anyone then he was going to hurt you" " so now that you told  us well be come after us" asked rose " yeah now we are in danger thanks Monica" said Celestia " well technically you guys were always in trouble but now you guys might get hurt" "  thanks  Monica " " yeah but um...hopefully the ninja demon is not real " " wait you named the figure a ninja demon " " yeah " " why" " because I got tried calling it just a shadow figure plus if you really think about it about its act like ninja and it could be a demon and also this just started when I fell and Reyna said that it could be a ninja demon. " What really " " yeah " " how come you never told us " " well um ...... I kinda told rose that I saw the ninja demon during lunch " " really Monica " yeah but he honest if I told you guys about it the first day would you think I was crazy " " yeah your right" " look if nothing happens to us then it was never real and I am just crazy , but I am 50% sure that that I am not " " really" " yes we can argue about this later " " ok". 

The next few days were terrible I kept on falling and I had a lot bruises and the same thing happened to rose so maybe it is real and thanks to me we are doomed which is nothing new but back the story me and the girls were hanging out at the park because 1 we needed a new place to hang out and 2 it's fun to be at the park ." So besides me and rose have u two have bruises or got hurt in anyway " I asked Reyna and Celestia " nose so far we are good" " so what should we do now  that we know the ninja demon is real " wait Monica are we sure that it is real " asked Celestia " yes and if you need proof me and rose still have bruises " " that is true, but you guys get hurt so much" " you are right but like I told you about the car accident this time is was not me " " ok, but when you said it was going to hurt us I thought you meant is was really going to hurt us not leave bruises " " fine then , ninja demon then you should hurt me and I don't mean leave bruises " Monica what are you doing" " well you guys want proof so I asking the ninja demon to hurt me" " that is not smart " " when I have a ever done something that is smart, so is everybody ok with it. " " ok. " So far everybody is ok but after on Thursday when I was rehearsing for a show that we are working on for theatre my right ankle started to hurt and I know for a fact that I didn't do anything really stupid to make it hurt and trust me I do a lot of stupid things so after school I went to go see a doctor and the food me it was nothing serious it was just a sprained ankle. The next I was talking to the girls and I told them what happened yesterday and before lunch was over and we would have to go back to class I told them that after school we should hang out at the park because why the fuck not.

Once the girls were here we decided to sit at a table to talk " sup guys " "hey Monica "" so do you guys member what we talked about last time we were here" " no what did we talk last time" asked Celestia " remember I asked the demon to hurt me and it did, so now you have to believe me" " look Monica we want to believe but we are still not sure that it" what how the fuck are u are u not sure I am hurt " but it is only happening to you and nothing has happened to us " " yeah not yet" yes and please don't tell the demon to hurt us" " I would never,look you guys can go but I am just going to stay here and just think. " So the left or so I thought but when I turned  around I was rose " sup rose , what are you doing here and not to be rude but I thought you left so the Celestia and Reyna " " I was but I was thinking  how you are doing all of this just to prove that the ninja demon is real" " I mean I am really trying to prove that I am not crazy " " I get that , but you don't have to put yourself in danger just to prove a point " "  I know in the moment that was the only thing I could think of ,Rose be honest are you mad at for this stupid thing " if I am being honest I am kinda happy that it was just the ankle injury and it will get better " " another question , do you think I am crazy " again if I am honest at first I thought you were but then after seeing you always trying to prove that you are not made me rethink that maybe you are not crazy " thanks rose I will see you in school on Monday " " bye". After spending the whole weekend just thinking and not answering any text from the girls because I just wanted to be by myself then it was time for school but my plan  for today was to avoid the group for today any it almost worked but Reyna was me and she told me that the group really wanted me to join them for lunch and we can just talk and for some reason I agreed so when it was finally time for the group and there the were at our regular table waiting for me " Monica you came I thought you wouldn't , woody but I am glad you did come" said rose " Monica can we talk" said Reyna " sure what do u guys want to talk about " " well...um  we were wondering how come you were not answering any of our text , are you mad at us " asked rose " if I am being honest at first I was and I just wanted to think ,so I am sorry for not answering any of your guys but you have to agree with me that I was trying to prove a point and you wouldn't not believe " " why are making this a big deal" asked Celestia " because you guys think I crazy "! I decided to leave the lunchroom and go back to my house because honestly I c miss my last two class I have good grade in those classes when I made it home I checked my phone and I saw a message from rose and it said " hey I'm sorry that we had u mad I didn't know you felt that way" I decided to text back " yeah I didn't mean to yell " she texted back saying " I got it text u soon.

After what happened I avoid the group for a week and it was not easy every time I saw o one of them the would try to talk them I would put my headphones in and walk the other way I wish I could not go to school for a week but I need to pass the classes not going to lie but the only I have talked to was rose she understands what I am going through but then again rose always understand either what I am going through or the idea I have. After a week of not talking to everybody I decided that I can't stay mad at them the are my best friends so in the mean I went to where we would normally be and luckily the were there just being bored so I walked up to the them and I heard Tyler say " look you finally came back to the group " " very funny" I said then I turned to face the girls " um ..... hey guys look I am sorry but after I yelled I needed to relax and I thought that maybe I need a little break" " we get it Monica but honestly it kinda surprised us when you yelled" said Reyna " it kinda surprised me to I didn't know I had that much anger in me" " well .... since you are here I can't believe I am s saying this but ... um I think I saw this ninja demon that you have been talking about " " wait really because you guys are always saying that that I am never right" " yes I was walking to the store and everything you said like how you heard a voice I heard to" said Reyna " ok well I need you and rose to meet me and my house  and Celestia you can also can come " " I would have to see if I can come" "ok then " . School was almost over which means the girls were coming to be honest it was so boring without hanging out with but I am happy that they kinda believe me after  a few minutes of me thinking Reyna and rose were here i guess Celestia has something else which does not surprise she is a busy anyway I told them to my room " so Monica what did you want to talk about" asked Reyna " well at first I wanted to talk about the ninja demon but I was also thin thinking bed should have a pool party " " why should we have a pool party there is this thing out to very us and you want to go throw a pool party" said Reyna " well hear me out I have a plan " we are in trouble now not to mean but Monica every time you have a plan it never but what your plan " " well I don't know if you believe but at the sleepover is when it warn us but it only come when we are all together " " yeah we're are you going with" " well if we are all together maybe this thing well come and maybe it will tell us what it's next move is or maybe give us another warning is or something " " really you think it's going to work " asked Reyna " I mean when if you really think about it we can only hear him or maybe just one of us can hear him plus was he only only hurts one of us or both of us" " so what is your point" " my point is he only does it because he knows nobody will believe us and he is trying to make it look like we at crazy and it kinda worked thanks again guys " " we are sorry and now we 22% believe " " why so low" " I mean we believe but like we have heard me well mostly me but it's still early to tell" " fine something might happened and if something does happen report it to someone " ok"

It was Saturday which means it was time for the party and I didn't tell the rose and Reyna but I know nothing will happen to them I know it was going after me for some reason it chose me as the target and I may not have completely honest with rose and Reyna and also the real reason I decided to do a party and if I did the would not let me do it because I might get hurt.

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