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A/N: Hello people! I've been reading a bunch of Tyrus and Ambi fanfic recently, (particularly @DonTheRock's stories, which, if you ship Tyrus/Ambi, definitely read those, they're great) and I wanted to write a Tyrus/Ambi fic with some Kippen siblings stuff, so that's what this is. Without further ado...

Cyrus POV

"Hey!" TJ drops into the booth at the Spoon where I'm sitting with Buffy, Marty, Andi, and Jonah, giving me that torturously cute smile of his. "So, I've been meaning to ask you a favor, my sister's running this arts and crafts thing in the park tonight to make a couple of extra bucks and I was wondering if you'd be willing to help out. It's from five to eight, a bunch of little kids, we could use a couple helping hands."

"I'm not busy, I'll be there," I say.

He thanks me, squeezing my shoulder in a gesture that shouldn't drive me insane, but it does. He's always touching me like that, our shoulders brush, our knees bump under the table, he bro-hugs me, that kind of stuff. Harmless, meaningless stuff. He probably doesn't even notice, but I'm hyperaware of every time it happens. It's quite tiring honestly, considering how obviously straight he is. It's almost worst than my crush on Jonah, except that I'm so much better at functioning around TJ. I kind of want to ask him to stop those meaningless touches, except the fact that the irrational part of my brain wouldn't trade those little meaningless touches for a thing, (other than the obvious... ).

"I'll come too, sounds like fun." Andi volunteers as TJ orders a milkshake from a passing waitress.

"Great! The more the merrier."

* * *

Amber POV

I set down a bag of assorted colorful beads on a picnic table in the park and check my watch again. We have fifteen minutes before this thing starts. A car I recognize pulls up along the curb. Bex's car. Why do I know this? I don't have any reason to know this, I just do, having this piece of information is like a little flag, it says, Hey! you have a few seconds opening to stare at Andi Mack, take it before it passes and you're a creep again. 

TJ told me that Andi said she might come but I kinda didn't let myself believe him. It sounded like a daydream to me,  but here she is, in a black top splattered with paint in a way that looks intentional, looking just as cute as always. She laughs at something Cyrus says as they get out of her mom's car together. She's extra cute when she laughs. Snap out of it, Amber. This isn't a crush, it can't be, so whatever it is, snap out of it. I shake my head in a silly attempt to clear it and try to focus on finishing setting up.

"Cyrus and Andi are here, Teej!" I call to my brother across the park and he jogs to greet them, brightening. I watch him wrap an arm around Cyrus and smile. Cyrus has been so great for him.

I finish setting up and sit down on a park bench close to the parking lot so I can greet kids and parents when they start to arrive. 

"Hey," Andi's voice from behind me catches me off guard, making my heart do a little happy dance that I wish I was better at ignoring. I'm not bi... or at least I keep telling myself that... yet this pile of evidence to the contrary that I wish would disappear just keeps growing with every little thing about Andi that I didn't even notice a week ago. Being not straight adds a level of complication to your life that I don't have the mental space for at the moment and it doesn't make sense. Shouldn't I have noticed before I was fifteen? Wouldn't there have been some kind of hint? Maybe there were, I guess I had no reason to look.  

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