Amber POV

Jesse is leaning against the door frame of TJ's bedroom when I get home from work. My two step brothers are talking about something in hushed voices, though I pick up the words 'demi', 'Leighton', 'Cyrus', and 'it's okay'. When I make it into my own room, I find myself pressed against the shared wall between our two rooms, trying to convince myself I don't care, even though the conversation is drawing me in like a magnet. This is creepy, and most definitely a violation of someone's privacy, I know that, but we live together, it's not my fault if I happen to be hovering near the half of my room where I happen to be able to hear them. Yeah, that's all I'm doing. That isn't creepy at all. 

"So, do you think you'll ever be honest with him?" Jesse's voice is a little muffled, but I can still hear most of what he says.

"Why would I do that?! I'm not dumb."

"Exactly, and being honest with your best friend is precisely what isn't stupid."

"Are you hearing yourself, Elvis? Don't you realise how badly that could blow up in my face? He is my best friend! I can't risk him thinking I've betrayed him!"

Elvis? His name is Elvis? Wow that's... I understand why he goes by his middle name. 

"You can't handle being honest?" Jesse taunts.

"Oh, don't you play that card, I'm not lying to him!" I hear a bed spring sag as someone sits down, I'm not sure who, but my guess is TJ.

"No, not lying, just pretending to somebody you're not. Which... is totally different from lying because believing that is currently convenient for you."

"I'm NOT lying to him! He's the only person I can really be honest with... I just..." His voice, which sounded timid and tired a moment ago, gets heated, and louder. "I told you! I'm not ready! Did you forget how big of a deal this is?! Haven't you been through it?! I can't even say it to you, how the hell do you expect me to be able to say to my crush?!"

Oh. Oooh. oh... wow.

I shouldn't interject. I shouldn't reveal that I've heard any of this, because, again, extreme breach of privacy, but... I have no clue how I could possibly pretend I never heard him. I'm pretty sure it's impossible, and by my definition, counts as lying. I'm quiet about it, which might not be the most fair to TJ, but soon my legs, which have carried me to my step-brother's bedroom doorway, which Jesse is blocking. I find myself frozen, hidden standing behind my older step-brother, listening for another moment.

"As he ever done anything that makes you think he could be homophobic?"

TJ actually laughs at this notion, quickly saying, "Nope."

"Teej... I know this sounds hard to believe, if he's really your best friend, he'll be able to laugh it off pretty quickly. You don't even necessarily have to tell him anything about who you like, I understand how difficult that is, but you're hiding a big part of yourself from him, a part that you must already realize is super difficult to hide from important people in your life, and if he really is the only person you can be truly honest with, then you tell him this, because if you don't, he's not that person anymore."

Jesse turns to leave then, nearly elbowing me in the face because he has no clue I'm standing a foot behind him. He's obviously startled when he sees me standing there, but TJ looks much worse.

"Who's 'he'?" I say quietly. There are a million smarter and more important things to say at this moment, but my mouth seems to disagree with my rational brain on this fact, and that's what it decides to say anyway.

His voice shakes with his words, "How much did you hear?"

"Enough to know you aren't straight." I say gently, I wonder if my excitement shines through in my voice. This is probably his worst nightmare, but I think thankful for it.

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