Tale 0: Welcome

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Do you feel safe at night? Are you able to lie in bed free of fear that you might be killed in the night? Do you feel safe and at-home in your neighborhood? If so, I envy you, and if not, then you have my sympathy and understanding.

See, my neighborhood is a bit... unusual. There are rules you have to follow for your own safety. There are things that come out at night, and believe me, wildlife and gangs are not what I mean. People can say all they want that there is no such thing as paranormal activity. Just understand that they're wrong. I'd love to tell you all about the strange things that happen here, and trust me, I will. But before I do that, I need to properly tell you about the neighborhood as a whole.

It's an isolated spot, really. Because there's only one entrance, no cars come through in order to cut through traffic or anything like that. There are no street lights nor sidewalks, so it's not exactly a favorite spot for trick-or-treating. There are many trees and bushes, in fact, the neighborhood is absolutely covered with plant life and it's simply beautiful. At night, a thick darkness overtakes the area in the absence of street lights, and bushes and trees seem to take more sinister and eerie shapes in the dark, along with other things that move about at that hour...

The neighborhood is hot and dry in the warm months, and cool during the cold ones, with a couple of exceptions. Some days, for example, the temperature will become frigid, dropping well below the freezing point. Meanwhile other days, the temperature will become hellishly hot without any sort of warning. These temperature shifts are exclusive to the neighborhood, as the rest of town is consistently warm. While the town itself never becomes cold enough, Sinaloa snows several days in winter. This serves as another reminder that we do not live in an ordinary neighborhood.

I mentioned before that there are rules in this neighborhood. No, they're not enforced by the law. In fact, the government doesn't even believe that there's anything strange here at all. Whenever officials come to observe the area, all strangeness stops entirely, like the land itself is aware that people are onto it. And before you think we can take videos or photos for evidence, all such devices fail to cooperate around anything abnormal. Written accounts mean nothing without visual evidence.

Anyways, like I said, there are rules. Here are a few, just to give you an idea:

-NEVER search for any strange noises you hear at night.

-ALWAYS lock your door during rain or snow, or during extreme temperatures.

-ALWAYS keep cats, snakes, rat traps, or rat poison on hand.

-DO NOT pay attention to any strange figures you may see. They want you to pay attention to them.

-NEVER wander into fog.

-ALWAYS bring your pets indoors and lock up if you see a strange white dog outside.

-DO NOT go following voices if you cannot see who is talking to you.

These are just a few.

Each of these rules ties directly into something strange in the area. Something strange and dangerous. Why don't we all just move out then? Well, sadly enough, it's not so simple. Most of us don't have the money to just get up and leave, and others have simply decided to tolerate or even ignore the unusual happenings here. Many have left, but the cold, hard truth as that most of us simply cannot. And that's okay, because at the end of the day, most of us feel that this is better than living on the streets. But then again, some feel differently. Just ask some of the homeless people in town.

Myself? I still live here, yes. And I know that most of you won't take my stories seriously, but I felt the need to make sure people are properly warned. If you're considering moving, go ahead and cross this area off your list while you still have that option. And if you choose to move in anyways, that's fine. Just don't say I didn't warn you, okay?

Welcome to Sinaloa Lake.

I'd ask you to enjoy your stay, but let's be realistic. You're just going to go breaking the rules and looking for the strange things this place has to offer. In that case, I won't bother asking you to enjoy your stay. You won't be around for too much longer anwyay.

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