creepy adventure

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Me and kai decided to go find our friends into the Dark forest, we found out that Taeyong had taken them there when we saw a few demons flying that way
Hueningkai - y/n, are you tired?
Y/n- not yet ,...... How much longer do we have to walk?
Hueningkai - ummm.... not for long, just for about 20 minutes more
Y/n- 20 minutes more???!!!! Whyyyyyyyyy!!!
Hueningkai - if we walk faster we will reach In 15 minutes.
Y/n- if I walk faster I will surely faint.
Hueningkai - haha you wanna stop and maybe sit down.
Y/n- NOOOO!!!!!! There is no way I'm stopping in the middle of this forest, This pathway is so creepy, It gives me goosebumps😨


Hueningkai - 😂 okay okay

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Hueningkai - 😂 okay okay.......
(You hear a howl in the forest)
Hueningkai - (smirks ) I've never seen this side of you. Ha ,you look cute when you're scared and nervous.
Y/n- (looks down , blushes)...................( y'all continue walking while having conversations in between )
If you're a vampire shouldn't you be having the power of super speed.
Hueningkai - I actually haven't developed that power yet, it takes time to learn about powers like that.
Y/n- ohh what powers have you developed?
Hueningkai - I have the power of telekinesis and teleportation but I am not thorough in teleportation because it's hard to concentrate on an area.
Y/n- ohh so you can't teleport us to the place where Taeyong is.
Hueningkai - I wish I could, but I may teleport you to an unknown place by accident.
Y/n- ohhh- ahh my knees hurt, how much longer!!!
Hueningkai - uh 10 minutes more.
Let me give you a piggy back ride
Y/n- no,it's alright
Hueningkai - don't worry, your not that heavy and I won't get tired.
Y/n- Are you sure?
Hueningkai - (nods).....come on, climb up
Y/n - oki ,thank you kai
Hueningkai -  Anytime.
Within  2 minutes you fell asleep on   hueningkai

Hueningkai - we made it!!!!! ........Y/n-
Are you asleep?
( Silence)
Y/n!!!!!!!!!!! We reached!!!!!
Y/n- awww so fast.
Hueningkai - Okay sleepy head I'm sure your energy must be restored.
Y/n- oh yeah , sorry (you get off his back)
(You move the branches that was covering your front view of the castle)
(You look at the castle)
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooooo!!!! This palace is scarier than the pathway in the forest!!! 😨😱
Hueningkai - way scarier!
Y/n- I've never been this scared in my entire life. Are you sure they are here?
Hueningkai - yes I am, can't you see the creatures flying above the palace.

Y/n- alright then let's go in ( shivering) Hueningkai - Okay comeY/n- (you take a deep breath before approaching closer to the palace) Hueningkai - Don't be scared, I'm there to protect you

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Y/n- alright then let's go in ( shivering)
Hueningkai - Okay come
Y/n- (you take a deep breath before approaching closer to the palace)
Hueningkai - Don't be scared, I'm there to protect you.

Y/n- alright then let's go in ( shivering) Hueningkai - Okay comeY/n- (you take a deep breath before approaching closer to the palace) Hueningkai - Don't be scared, I'm there to protect you

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TXT Hueningkai ff - vampire : Midnight frost  [ COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now