A twist

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5 hours later.                                          

Sehun- Guys! We found it. (He said while pointing to the dark castle)
Y/n- What the-- why are these castles always so scary looking.
Hueningkai- (chuckles). alright, let's go according to our plan.
(Everyone nodded)

( all of y'all started climbing the stairs and began analysing every inch of the castle)You- (breathing heavily) Why

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( all of y'all started climbing the stairs and began analysing every inch of the castle)
You- (breathing heavily) Why....are......there....so...many...stairs?
Mark- We haven't even reached halfway.
You- WHAT!!!! Noooo (starts whining)
Ooh Taeyong,don't you have wings?
Taeyong - ( smirks) of course I do.
Wanna fly with me?
You- (😑) I was thinking, can you fly us directly to the castle?
Taeyong - I cannot take all of you. But.....if you want I can take you.(winks)
You- I don't trust you.
Hueningkai- i have an idea. Hop on my back.
You- Pardon.
Kai- c'mon  it's fine.
You - Its okay, I am not tired.
Kai- Well, you look kinda tired. It's really fine with me, climb on. I don't get tired easily.
You- umm..... Alright. Are you sure?
Kai- (nods repeatedly)
You - okay (climbs on his back)
Thank you kai. (You say hugging his back)
Kai- Anytime.

10 minutes later

Soobin - We made it!
Mark- shh someone's coming this way. (Whispers) hide ,hide
(All of you hid behind the wall)
Mark- ok he's gone.
Kai- Taeyong, Mark and sehun, take the right side of the castle. Let us know if you find the others. Me , Soobin and y/n will take the other way.
(You begin walking, searching for your friends)
Y/n- Damn. There are so many aisles in this castle.
Kai- I guess we all three should split up.
Soobin - I'll take this aisle. Kai, take the middle And y/n, take the other
(Both of you nod in agreement )

Soobin - (whispers) y/n, give me the diamond. If someone Tries to take it from me I can fight back with my Powers, but you still haven't developed them.
Y/n- you're right. (You say while removing the diamond from your bag.)(you hand the diamond to him.)
Kai- Okay, see you y/n. (Waves and smiles)
Y/n- (smiles, waves) bye.(leaves)
15 minutes later
You- just a few more rooms to search through. When will I find them?
(Within 2 seconds someone came from behind you and pushed you towards the wall)
???- Hello there beautiful, what are you doing here in this castle?
You - I- I came to get m-my friends back! (You try to push him off)
???- Ohhh Why the rush?
You- Just let me go!!
???- Why should I? I need to inform the boss that your here. Come with me.
You- please don't.
???- why not? You scared? (Smirks)
You- NO! (You kicked him, and he fell on the floor in pain) (you took that chance and ran away)
You- Thank god! I think I lost him
(You look in front of you and see a maroon door)
You- (Opens the door) it's so dark, I have to find the light switch (whisper ) (you reach your hand towards the wall to find the switch)
You - Found it. (When the lights turned on, your eyes widened)
OH MY GOD! I've finally found you.
(You saw Exo and then saw the txt members, you were so glad )
(They were tied up and had duck tape on thier mouth)
(You went and helped all of them)
You- Are you guys okay? (Worried)
Baekhyun - we're fine y/n, what about you?
You- Just a little tired but good. How did y'all end up here? (You said while untying the others)
Taehyun - Those wolves found us and there was a huge fight at the camp site. When you left to find soobin and sehun, they attacked us. ( also helps you to untie others)

(When you were untying them you noticed something strange)
You- OMG!! Soobin , what are you doing here? How did you get kidnapped? (You quickly untied Soobin ) didn't you take the other route in the castle.
(The other members looked shocked)
Soobin - What do you mean?  I have been trapped here since last night. When I went to search whose laughter it was,  the wolves caught me and I ended up here.
You- if you are here then.....OH CRAP, I GAVE HIM THE DIAMOND. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!!?

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