A Camping trip

889 62 19

( Y/n Pov )

( what do I do? Kai told me to stay away from baekhyun, but I'm curious to know what he wants to say. Btw why is kai taking so long)
Hueningkai pov.

( in the kitchen)
Hueningkai - ( throwing flour at Soobin) it's not my fault!!!!
Soobin- Yah!!! Stop it, it's because of you.
Hueningkai - How many times do I have to tell you, the egg cracked because you were not being gentle while keeping it on the table.
Soobin - NO!! It cracked when you removed it from the table!!! (Grabs a handfull of flour and Throws it at kai)
Yeonjun - what is going on here!!!!!
Hueningkai - Its Soobin's fault.
Soobin - No its kai's
Yeonjun - I don't care whose fault it is, I want you both to clean this kitchen. NOW!
Soobin & kai - ( glaring at each other)
Yeonjun - (leaves )
Hueningkai - Because of you I won't be able to spend time with y/n.😣
Soobin -( rolls his eyes ) 😒

(Y/N POV)        

Y/n- Alright what do you wanna talk about?
Baekhyun - let's sit first. ( locks the door of the balcony )
Y/n- (nervous)
Baekhyun - There is something you don't know about us.
Y/n- And That is....
Baekhyun - we work for Taeyong.
Y/n- anything else?
Baekhyun- wait- Did you know about this?
Y/n- yes I saw you & sehun talking to him.
Baekhyun - oh.😟Y/n, I'm so so sorry
Y/n- WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY SORRY!! I thought you were a good guy, I TRUSTED YOU!! (Yells)
baekhyun - y/n I didn't mean to. I'm forced to do this. If I don't listen to him he will kill me, he will kill each one of us!! And we can't escape.
Y/n- How do I know if you are telling the truth.
Baekhyun - Believe me, I would never lie to you. You can detect any lie anyone tells you, but can you see any lie within me.
Y/n- what do you mean 'detect any lie'
Baekhyun - Its one of your powers, I did a few tests on you to find out if you could catch any ones lie.
Y/n- i didn't know that I have more powers
Baekhyun - you have many more, you will find out soon. So tell me.
Y/n- huh?
Baekhyun - can you tell me whether I'm lying or not. Look into my eyes.
Y/n- (you looked deep in his eyes, it was like staring into his soul, it was pure you could see in his eyes the image of Taeyong forcing Exo to work for him ,you realised he was telling the truth.) (You quickly snapped out of it)
What was that?!?!
Baekhyun - That was the truth.
Y/n- why are you telling me the truth?
Baekhyun - Because I can't do it anymore, I can't keep quiet, the truth was eating me alive, I wanted to tell you this for a long time but I was afraid Taeyong would know, but he isn't here now. And I think that if we are all together then we can defeat him.
Y/n- well, thank you for telling me everything.(smiles)
Baekhyun - And Thanks for understanding. (Hugs you)
Y/n- (hugs back)

Hueningkai pov.

( finally! I finished cleaning. I need to apologise to y/n for being late. Wait......is that b-baekhyun, why is he hugging y/n.)
Y/n's POV.

Y/n- (breaks the hug)
Baekhyun - anyway, I need to go. Please inform this to Txt.
Y/n- I will. Don't worry
Baekhyun - Bye, Good night y/n
Y/n- bye, good night.
Baekhyun - (leaves )
Hueningkai - (Comes in)
Care to tell me what's goin on
Y/n- ( Explains everything to kai)
Hueningkai - oh I understand, Taeyong should not find out about all this.
Y/n- yeah
Hueningkai - Sorry for being late, there was a huge mess in the kitchen.
By the way i need you to pack some stuff since we are going to find that diamond, it is deep in the forest and it will take a long time to get there so Me and the guys decided to make it a..............
Y/n- A what?
Hueningkai- A CAMPING TRIP!!!
Y/N- OMG!!!!I'm so excited!!(y'all start jumping up and down with joy)
Hueningkai - wait, should we invite Exo, we can't give any excuse when they see us holding our luggage, they might wanna come.
Y/n- Maybe you're right, why don't you go and invite them meanwhile I pack everything.
Hueningkai - Okay. Bye Good night
Y/n- good night. (Smiles)

The next morning

( You, kai and everyone else were walking the forest to reach our destination)
Taehyun - Ahhh 😣 I'm tired
Hueningkai - Me too , (breathing fast)
Beomgyu - Let's stop here
Y/n- yeah, and why don't we eat something.
Yeonjun - Yeah I'm starving.
Soobin - same here
Baekhyun - I'll put some sheets down so we can all sit.
Soobin - great, thanks.
(You all sat down and ate while talking about various topics, and also sang many songs)

15 minutes later.

(Everyone was already asleep after eating except kai)
Hueningkai - Y/n, wake up ( whispers)
Y/n- ( still asleep) 😴
Hueningkai - 😧 y/n pleaseeee get up (whispers)
Y/n- (wakes up) what?
Hueningkai - Hey let's roam around the forest.
Y/n- can we?
Chen - (wakes up) if you're exploring the forest then be careful, don't go too far And be back within 30 minutes.
Hueningkai - ok thanks hyung.
Y/n- yayyy(whispers)
( You both walk around the forest for 10 minutes)
Hueningkai - OMG! Wow y/n you need to see this.
Y/n- what is it? (You were behind kai so you couldn't see anything)
Hueningkai - (moves aside to give you way)

Y/n- Wooowww! Should we?Hueningkai - we definitely should!(Kai counted to 3 and we jumped into the water)Kai&y/n- woohoo!!!Hueningkai - Damn, the water is cool

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Y/n- Wooowww! Should we?
Hueningkai - we definitely should!
(Kai counted to 3 and we jumped into the water)
Kai&y/n- woohoo!!!
Hueningkai - Damn, the water is cool.
Y/n- I know right. Good thing we bought extra clothes.
Hueningkai - yeah. Luckily the water isn't deep too.
Y/n- omg there are tiny fishes swimming here, how cute.
Hueningkai - whoa. (Tries to catch them) they're fast.
Y/n- (chuckles)

I would like to thank everyone reading this, I never thought my ff would ever reach more than 1k, thank you for making it possible, hope you have a good day and be safe

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I would like to thank everyone reading this, I never thought my ff would ever reach more than 1k, thank you for making it possible, hope you have a good day and be safe. Once again thank you.

 Once again thank you

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