The Fire

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(You ran as fast as you could)
You- Guys!!
(You saw Mark, sehun and Taeyong heading your way)
Sehun- Did you find them?
You- yeah (you said pointing at the people behind you)
Mark - Are you okay?
You- No I'm not! I need to find kai.
Taeyong - Why?
You- Because the Soobin that we've been with all this while was not really him, It was someone else in his form.
Mark- But he's not here right now. Is he?
You- No! But I need to find him. (You said as you started searching the castle)
(The others started following you from behind, in confusion)
Baekhyun - look! There's kai!
( You looked at that direction and saw kai coming out of a room)
You- kai!! Kai!! We're in big trouble
(Kai looks at you )
Kai- oh great !you found them.
(You started explaining everything to kai)
Kai- Ohh no! Let's go find him. We need to get the diamond back.
Taeyong - you know, you should have given the diamond to me instead. (Smirks)
You- This is not the time for jokes.
5 minutes later
( All of y'all were walking around the castle, you suddenly dashed into somebody)
You- (gasp)
(It was the same person who you met before and he had bought a friend)
???- we meet again beautiful.
( You backed away from the guy)
Kai - Leave her alone,Mingi. ( he said stepping forward)
Mingi- Don't you know who you're messing with.
You- W-who is he?(whispers)
Yeonjun - That's mingi, he and his friend guard the castle.(he whispered to you)

You- ohh ( you looked at kai)(You saw that mingi scratched kai on the shoulder)You- (eyes widened) ( The moment you blinked your eyes you saw mingi had turned into a wolf) (You were frozen and in shock)( mingi's friend started walking towards you ...

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You- ohh ( you looked at kai)
(You saw that mingi scratched kai on the shoulder)
You- (eyes widened) ( The moment you blinked your eyes you saw mingi had turned into a wolf)
(You were frozen and in shock)
( mingi's friend started walking towards you in a fast pace)
(He grabs your hand tightly)
???- You need to come with me NOW!
You- No!! Get your hand off my wrist.
???- Is this how you talk to someone! Don't you know who I am?
Mark- Let her go woo-young. (He said in anger)
Wooyoung - ( laughs )what makes you think that I'll listen to you. Huh!
( He punches Mark )
Taeyong - HEY!! Stop it. (Kicks Wooyoung in the leg)
Wooyoung - (on the floor) owww. my leg!!!( in pain)
Sehun- The other guards are coming this way. Let's keep moving
(You look at kai and see that mingi is on the floor, passed out)
You- whoa!
( Kai noticed your reaction and smiled at you)
(All of you ran before the guards could catch you)
(As you ran, you heard footsteps coming from both directions, left and right)
Taeyong - Where do we go?
Baekhyun - Here!! C'mon.
(He said opening the door)
(Everyone went inside the room )

(He said opening the door)(Everyone went inside the room )

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TXT Hueningkai ff - vampire : Midnight frost  [ COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now