Chapter 9

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We both make our way back up the deck and Killian wanted to man the helm, as he went to the helm I walked back down to check on the sails. I looked up to him and I felt something in my lower stomach. God he makes me blush and makes me so nervous.

Maybe I should give in and be with him again; tonight I'll make it up to him if he's up for it. I did tell him when he felt better but who knows how long that will be.

The day went by very well, we didn't have any problems with anyone or anything. Night time came and I weighed the Anchor in a place where we wouldn't be visible to the prying eye.

As I was fixing the sails again I noticed a ship at a distance, that's when they fired at us. I was panicking, it would take forever to get the ship ready. How the hell were they able to see us? They fired again but this time I raised my hands up and something came out of me. The whole ship turned invisible. I gasped as the ship was heading towards us.

The ship sailed off but our small ship was still invisible. I lowered my hands and the ship went back to normal again. I fell to the ground feeling weak as can be.

I look up and my vision became blurry as I felt something falling from my nose. I wipe it and I see red, my nose is bleeding. As soon as I close my eyes I hear Killian's voice at a distance. That's when my whole world fades.

I suddenly wake up and I notice that I'm on the bed. I turn and I see Killian sitting right next to me. I gasp. How the hell did I do that? I don't have those types of powers, that's when I see Killian starting to wake up.

"Emma you alright?" I nod. "What happened?" I shrug. "I don't know..." He nods. "You didn't tell me you had those types of powers." I chuckle. "That's because I didn't know I had them." He nods again.

"Well rest up." I scoff as I get up. "I'm fine, you on the other hand you need to rest up." I go and check his wound and it looked decent. Killian chuckles. "I'm fine." I nodded and made my way up to the deck.

I manned the helm and at a distance I could see a familiar ship. The Black Pearl. My heart soared, I am finally getting my home back. I look down at Killian and sighed. He walks up to me and sees the horizon. "The Pearl?" I nod. "I guess you'll be getting back to your ship?" I nod and that's when I see the Jolly Roger ahead of the Pearl.

"You are too." I point and he nods. "So what will happen to us?" I smile. "We can still..." He shakes his head. "It will be hard to be together if we are both captains of different ships." I scoff. "No it won't."

"Well how about we keep our relationship secret for now..." Killian gives me a weird look. "You don't want people to know?" I half smile. "We could use that to our advantage, if people don't know that we are together they can't use that against us."

Killian nods. "Alright, but I think we should go down below deck and..." I chuckle as he starts to kiss me. "Alright just because I can't resist you." Killian chuckles as we make our way below deck.

Time passed by and we are getting close to our ships, that's when Killian comes and hugs me. "I'll miss being able to kiss you when I please." I smile as I lean up and give him a kiss. "Me too."

That's when I see a musket fire, giving the sign that they will be boarding us. I smile, as they stop near us. Regina smiles as she sees that its us. She runs down the gangplank they had set out and hugs me. "Sister I'm so happy you got out." I smile as I hug her.

"Yes." She sighs. "I'm sorry I..." I shook my head. "No it's ok you had to adhere to the code." She nods and hugs me again. She then looks at Killian and Killian nods.

"Regina." Regina smiles. "Come on, we need to get the two captains aboard their ships." I look up at Killian and smile. We get off the small ship and stepped on to the Pearl.

I looked around and smiled. I was finally home. My crew greeted me and went back to their stations. Mr. Gibbs walked down and hugged me. "Good to see you back captain." I smile and nod.

That's when we see the Jolly Roger on our starboard side. I see Liam waving and Killian nods at him. "Em, can I have a word in private?" I look at my main crew around me and gave them a special nod, within seconds they dispersed.

We walked back to my cabin and closed the door. "What is it Killian?" He grabs me and pins me against the door. He gives me a passionate kiss in which of course I had to respond back. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I kissed him back but I knew we had to stop before we both ended up without clothes and on top of my bed.

I backed away and smiled breathlessly. "Killian we must stop this, if we continue I won't be able to stop." He smirks. "I can't pretend to not be in love with you." I smile and caress his cheek.

"How about we just keep our relationship hidden, till after we kill Blackbeard?" Killian nods. "Ok sounds like a plan." He kisses me again and bites my lip as I let him go and he places me down.

"See you again when we reach the Forbidden Fortress." I nod as he made his way out of my cabin. I sat at my desk and just reminisced on our short time together. I look out the window and I see the Jolly Roger sailing right past us.

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