Chapter 19

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The next day arrived and we were waiting for Belle's arrival. I quickly got Aqua into her little outfit and put on her bracelet. Killian fixes the table and sets food down for Belle. I'm finishing brushing my hair and we hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I smile as I see Killian walking up to the door. I go and grab Aqua and fixed her little outfit. Belle walks in and smiles. "Jen." I smile as she walks in. She then awes as she sees Aqua. "You had a little girl?" I nod as I caress Aqua's little cheek.

"You want to hold her?" Belle nods. She smiles big as she's holding Aqua. "She's so beautiful, but my God she looks like Colin." Killian chuckles. "Hey that isn't a bad thing." I giggle. "Poor babe, she should have looked like her beautiful mother." I couldn't stop laughing.

"Hey I am handsome, which is why my little girl is cute." Belle nods and she smiles as she caresses the outfit. "It fit her perfectly, I still can't believe you put it on her." I smiled. "Of course Belle, we loved it." Belle smiles, then awes again.

"Uh oh it seems that the little babe is hungry." I look over and see Aqua's mouth moving, Belle gets up and hands me Aqua. "How about I fix breakfast while you feed Aqua?" I smile and nod.

"I thought we were having lunch together?" Belle blushes, "I actually have something to do in the afternoon." Killian  smirks. "Something, or someone?" I hit Killian on his chest and he chuckles. "What?" Belle then chuckles.

"Well Colin is right, umm Adam from the bakery asked me out to get lunch together." I smile. "Oh my friend, Adam is a nice man, I am so happy for you." Killian chuckles. "Well he looks a bit scrawny but..." I nudge him and he then coughs, "umm I mean he is a nice man." Belle laughs.

"He is indeed adorable." Killian then gets up, "well if he treats you badly in any way, let him know that you have someone to defend you, ok Belle?" Belle smiles. "Thanks Colin." I smile as I see her hugging him.

Time passes and Aqua was slowly starting to walk on her own, and her love for the sea only grew as she grew older; that worried Killian and me because she should never know that we used to be pirates. I'm washing dishes one day and I see Aqua with a cutlass hitting a tree as she practices her moves. Killian trained her in self defense but that's it.

We don't want her to get any ideas about being a pirate because in reality, piracy is a serious crime Killian and I both knew this but we were born into it, that's why we want to keep Aqua away from it. Aqua spends her time working with Belle at the shop helping her sell books and jewelry that she custom makes. But I think its because she loves to be with Ben, Belle's son. Yes after that lunch date Belle and Adam dated then shortly after that they married.

They are around the same age (13 and 14) and they are the best of friends. Killian swears that Ben is in love with Aqua but who knows. Anyways tomorrow is Killian's birthday and since we don't spend that much time on our own I wanted to surprise him tonight, so I asked Belle if she can take care of Aqua for me. Besides tomorrow we will spend the day together celebrating as a family.

I waved my hand and Killian's big sea chest appeared, here is where we stored the last of our pirate memories. I took out Killian's old coat and put it on with nothing under. When they're both not home I practice my powers and I've gotten pretty good at them. I waved my hands and our room turned into the cabin from the Jolly Roger.

I put my hair up into a bun, and put make up on. I hear the door open then close, I leave the coat open and I see Killian putting down a crate. "Love I'm home... love are you home?" I get out and stood by the door. "I prefer the term captain rather than love mate." Killian turns around and his eyes shoot open. "Emma?" I smirk as I take out my cutlass and placed it on his neck. "Its Captain Emma Sparrow for you... mate."

"Captain ehhh?" I nod and smirk. "Well what does the fearsome captain want to do with me, a humble sailor?" I smirk again, "you need to be punished for not following orders." Killian smiles, as I start to push him towards the room. I close the door and he gasps as he sees the room. "Captain is this your?" I nod. "Cabin yes, well rather a famous captain's quarters, Captain Killian Jones have you heard of him?" Killian gasps.

"We can't be here, what if he returns?" I smile as I push him towards the bed. "You shush and enjoy this punishment sailor, or what you scared of your captain..." Killian then pulls me and kisses me as he sits down. He then gasps. "Love won't Aqua be coming home soon?" I shake my head. "She's staying with Belle overnight, I wanted to give you an early birthday present, that's why I sent her away for the night."

Killian smiles and kisses me. "I'm loving my present love, thank you." I smile and caress his cheek. "Happy early birthday my love." Killian smiles, "so captain, what do you have in store for me?" I smirk as I push him down, "well I have various punishments in store for you."

Killian smiles as he kisses me.

"I am all yours captain."

Hours pass by and we are both laying down wrapped in each other's arms. "That was an excellent gift my love, thank you." I smiled as Killian kissed my head. "I'm happy you liked it, I wanted to give you a feel of being a pirate again, I hope you didn't get mad that I turned the room to look like the Jolly." Killian smiles.

"I didn't get mad, I loved it, it was good to see the Jolly again but I loved it even more because I got to spend time in it with you." I smile. "I love you Killian." Killian smiles, "as do I." I smile as I sit up. Killian sits next to me and kisses me. "You happy Killian?" He nods. "I am."

"You ready for another round?" I smirk as I sit up on his lap. "I'm all yours captain." He smirks, as he kisses me and we both become one again.

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