Chapter 26

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I start to hear voices all around me, muffled voices. I slowly start to open my eyes and I see my mom and dad tied up to a chair. My mom's face was bruised and bloodied and my dad was the same but he looked dead. My mom smiled at me, "oh my love I am so sorry for all this."

I was happy to see them but at the same time, I was upset. They lied to me, they didn't tell me who they really were and the fact that I have siren powers; how could they keep that from me?

"Mom how is all this happening, I mean I thought..." She sighs, "your father and I were pirates, horrible pirates, but we left all that life behind when we found out we were having you." I nod, and that's when I turn around and I see that Tyler isn't amongst us.

"Mom how was I able to use the Trident I still don't..." That's when I hear footsteps. I look over my shoulder and gasp. The man I see walking towards me can only be Blackbeard. "Hello Aqua." I stayed quiet, "good to finally have the whole family together." I gave him the deadliest glare I could ever give someone.

"Thank you for bringing me the one thing I need in order to destroy your parents." I give him a confused look. "Yes, it so happens that the grand daughter of the queen of the mermaids was the missing link to power the Trident." My mom gasps as she looks at me. "So all I need is to channel your energy Aqua and your mother's then you will see me kill your father, then your mother."

I tried to get up but couldn't. "You bastard." He chuckles, "I couldn't have done it without my grandson's help." I stayed quiet as I see Tyler making his way towards him. I then scoffed, "I thought we had a thing you bloody liar."

Tyler chuckles, "you were so easy to manipulate Leia or should I say Aqua." I couldn't help but feel betrayed and hurt. I was actually feeling something for Tyler, I mean I gave him my purity, he was my first for everything. That's when I felt something in me click, and my mom shakes her head.

"Aqua don't channel that..." That's when Blackbeard slaps me. My mom screamed as I yelped. "Leave her alone." Blackbeard laughed, "you don't harness that power until I say so." I look at Tyler and he's just standing there with a straight face. He mouths some words to me but I couldn't understand them.

He then does a countdown with his fingers that were hidden next to his right leg. "3...2...1..." He pushes Blackbeard, then unties my mom then me. The Trident falls and before I try to grab it a woman grabs it. She chuckles, as she grabs Tyler by his hair. "Well hello there Aqua its nice to meet the young lady who bewitched my son into betraying us, my name is Angelica." Tyler scoffs then groans as Angelica slaps him.

My mom is hugging me and I looked over at my dad as he is starting to wake up. I smile knowing he's not dead. Blackbeard gets up and dusts off his clothing. He walks over to Tyler and backhands him sending him to the ground.

"You bastard, how dare you betray the man that picked you off the streets of London." Tyler looks up as he spits out blood. Blackbeard takes out his cutlass and I see the ropes come to life. They grab Tyler and tie him up as the others tied me and my mom up. I see my dad trying to get out of his chair but he couldn't.

"Now where were we..." Blackbeard sheathes his cutlass and grabs the Trident, he then starts to say some type of chant as he places the Trident in between my mother and I. That's when I start to feel a burning sensation, I look over at my mom and from her facial expression she's feeling the same way too.

"I am taking your siren powers and charging the Trident." We both scream out as we feel our bodies weakened. The gem is fully charged and Blackbeard cackles. He then walks over to my dad and chuckles, "we will start with the father of this bunch." My dad scoffs, "you won't get away with this." Blackbeard chuckles, "Killian Jones I hope you send my regards to your father, see you in the after life." He then stabs his chest and we see a blue light go through him and then it starts to shine out from his eyes and mouth.

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