Chapter Three

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When they left Audriana, Draven suddenly was at a lost on what to do. Looking down at Valin Draven asked what he wanted to do, all Valin did was shrug. As if a lightbulb went off, he steered Valin towards the backyard. "Alright I hear you like to play outside a lot, so we're going to go outside so I can show you something cool." Cheering loudly Valin followed his dad out, once outside Draven told Valin to close his eyes.

Compiling Valin anxiously covered his eyes, when the wait was too much for him he began to peak. Uncovering his eyes Valin stared in amazement, as he gazed at the wolf in front of him. "Doggy!" Screamed Valin rushing over to Draven, who for his part just laid down so Valin could climb and play around him. It was an hour later when he finally wore himself out, so when Draven knew for sure that he was sleeping. He transformed back and placed Valin down, and then quickly got dressed but instead of taking him back inside.

He laid down beside him, and slowly placed the sleeping child on his chest. Where he himself drifted off to sleep, relishing in the time he got to spend with his son. It made his heart warm to know, that he was able to make Valin happy after being away for three years.

After leaving them Audriana decided, to visit the dress shop. Entering she was greeted by a woman, who was a few years older then her. "What can I help you with today?" Asked the woman, mentally narrowing her eyes at the attitude. Audriana smiled shook her head, "I'm fine thanks. I'm just taking a look around," she just chalked it up to the woman being new. Yet as she looked at the new clothing, every so often the woman would call out the price . As if trying to say she wouldn't be allowed to afford it, after the tenth time it happened. Audriana lost all patience and walked over to her, "where is Mavis?"

Becoming annoyed the woman rolled her eyes, and went into the back to get Mavis. A waddling Mavis slowly made her way out, breathing heavily she was about take a break. Yet the second she saw Audriana, a second wind took her. Moving faster she screamed Luna, meeting her halfway Audriana hugged her the best she could. "Luna?" Asked the woman becoming pale, unaware of what went on Mavis smiled brightly at her. "Yep I did tell you when I hired you, that the Luna owns the shop. But due to circumstances she had to take a short leave,"

Paling even more the woman began to smile nervously, "oh well it's nice to finally meet you Luna." Not liking the attitude change, Audriana let go of Mavis and glared at the woman. Although she wanted nothing more, then to put the woman on blast yet had planned to do it professionally. "Starting tomorrow I'll be coming in, so that means Mavis you can take an early maternity leave." She said never taking her eyes off of the woman, thanking Audriana Mavis made her way to the office.

Once she was out of ear shot, Audriana glared at the woman and crossed her arms. "Before I hear an excuse that this was the first time this happened, I want you to know that I can smell bullshit from a mile away. If I ever hear any more complaints about, your piss poor attitude and judgement of the clientele. You'll be out of here, do I make myself clear?" Audriana watched as the woman struggled, to reign in her attitude before saying that she understood.

"Now that's out of the way, what's your name?" Audriana asked while uncrossing her arms, "my name is Dew." Nodding her head Audriana smiled, "nice to meet you Dew. Looking forward to working with you." Instead saying like wise, Dew tried to feign this nonchalant manner and ask why she would leave the alpha? Feeling her eye twitch Audriana, was going to answer when Dew interrupted her. "It was very selfish of you to leave, the Alpha's bed should never be cold. Especially when he has a Luna, otherwise other females who are actually more deserving of the title. Will step up and show you how it's done, but I can't really blame you though."

Dew said pausing and shrugging, "you are human after all. So it's in your nature to want to leave, as soon as the going gets tough. I mean do yourself a favour, step aside being Luna and let someone..... Pure be the Luna, then that way the little respect that is left. Won't be lost entirely," sneering Dew knew she struck a nerve. When she saw the fight slightly leave Audriana, "I think more people will respect you if you stop being Luna. As opposed to continuing being Luna, as it stands now. No one can stand you, you disgrace the Arcadia name."

Unable to say anything Audriana, cleared her throat and called out to Mavis saying goodbye. Without so much of a word to Dew, she left the store having confirmation of the thoughts. That had plagued her as soon as she became Luna, yet hearing them out loud killed her. Driving back to Rosetta's, she put on a false smile as she entered. Walking out back she saw that Draven and Valin, were napping together. Actually smiling this time, Audriana didn't want to bother them. So she went up to her room, and changed into a jogging outfit.

Leaving the house Audriana ran down, the path leading to her grandmother's cottage. As soon as she made it there, she entered the dark home and by memory. Made her way to the bedroom, and sat on the edge of the bed. As she let the silence envelope her, hot tears that she's held back began to slide down her cheeks. Letting out a choked sob, Audriana placed her hands over her face and cried into them.

Draven knew when Audriana was watching them, just like how he knew when she had left the house. What he wasn't expecting, was to feel a sharp pang of pain in his heart. Sitting up swiftly he held out his hand, and caught the startled Valin. Apologizing and giving him a quick hug, while calling his mother outside. Draven handed over Valin, while telling her he had to find Audriana. Transforming quickly he dashed off, towards the direction the pain was intensifying in.

Reaching the cottage he opened the door, and was instantly punched in the gut. By the raw emotion, making his way towards the bedroom. Standing at the threshold he, watched with sadness as Audriana cried. "Why did you pick me to be your mate, and to be Luna of your pack?" She asked as her tears slowed, "I just knew you were the one for me." Finally looking at him she glared, as the answer he gave didn't answer nothing. "Answer the damn question properly, why the fuck did you pick me!" She said raising her voice, not liking being put on the spot.

Draven shifted slightly and tried to look elsewhere, "did you choose me just out of obligation? Thinking that Simone wouldn't mess with me, because if that was the case. That fucking back fired, seeing as I almost died because I became Luna. I bet you didn't even know that everyone thinks, I'm useless and disgracing the Arcadia name." She watched as he looked gutted, because he obviously didn't know what was being said. Suddenly letting out a sad laugh, Audriana sat back down and wiped a few tears away.

"But my favourite, it was selfish of me to leave you. Seeing as how your bed should never go cold, and there are plenty of pure women who are up to the task. So I'm going to ask you again. Why did you pick me, out of all the pure wolf women?" Kneeling down in front of her, he looked seriously at her. "I picked you because, even before you truly knew what I was. You wanted to be with me, and then after you knew. You still wanted to be with me, you never once was afraid of me. Nor have you let being Luna go to your head, not to mention how beautiful and intelligent you are. Plus you gave me my son, who takes after you."

Smiling he caressed her cheek, "besides how could I not pick you. I mean they don't build me like they do in the city," Audriana was feeling so much better. That was until he mentioned what she had said before meeting him, becoming mortified she lightly slapped his shoulder. Earning a laugh from him, when it died down he gazed at her. "I never want to you to feel that again, I chose you and that's all that matters. You're the only one I will love," he said before kissing Audriana passionately.

Stripping Audriana waited for Draven, to enter her and when he did she moaned loudly. His pace wasn't fast nor slow, but she could feel the passion in each thrust. Which caused an orgasm to rip through her body, so fierce that she dug her nails deep into his back. When he was finished, Draven wrapped his arms around her. Still caught up with emotion, Audriana began to softly cry into his chest.

"I love both you and Rosetta, so much that just knowing that people think I'm disgracing your name. Kills me because it's not my intention, then there's Valin. I never want him to feel like he doesn't belong," holding her tighter Draven kissed the top of her head. "I promise I will protect Valin and you, from everything and everyone." The two laid in a comfortable silence, until they both fell asleep.

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