Coffee & Tea

249 5 3

Modern AU

Chrom sighed, tapping his fingers against the wooden table and staring out of the high-rise window. The city of Manhattan was wrapped in a blue and rainy blanket, the lights standing out more than ever. Light pellets of rain pecked the glass as raindrops met and rolled down the surface.

God, I hate this kind of weather, Chrom thought to himself, turning his attention back to his monthly report. A half-eaten bagel sat next to him, ignored for about twenty minutes. Behind him, a kettle began to screech, followed by the sounds of closing and opening cupboards. The kettle was soon taken off the burner and the rest of the sounds faded into subtle ambient noise: Mugs being set down, water pouring, spoons against ceramic, the works.

The strong punch of coffee permeated the air, the blood vessels threatening to pop in his stressed-out brain suddenly vanishing. The smell of coffee was always warm to him and was more than enough to ease his nerves. Joining the scent was another subtle, more flowery scent.

Chamomile... Chrom recognized the scent well, seeing as that it was a flavor his girlfriend favored.

A few minutes later, a mug full of steaming coffee was placed in front of him. "Here you go, love," Anna said, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Chrom smiled, gazing fondly at his girlfriend. "Thank you, love," he echoed her, eyes moving towards the mug of tea in her hands. "Doesn't chamomile make you sleepy?"

She sat down across from him, taking a sip of her tea and pulling out a sudoku puzzle book. "It does. I've had some trouble sleeping these past few days, so I can use all the help I can get."

He was well-aware of this fact; they shared a bed, for Christ's sake. Ever since she moved in with him, she's been a bit restless at night. He expected this, of course, as her anxiety causes her to adapt very slowly to new places. Hell, they'd have to go through this again in a few months once they find a home to move into. The was nothing wrong with his apartment, but given the fact that they were trying to start a family, a bigger space would be nice,

God, he was excited just thinking about it.

"It's hardly even eight in the morning, babe," Chrom pointed out as she drank more tea.

She shrugged. "It's a lazy day. I'm gonna spend it napping." She gazed out the window, a smile on her face. "Have I ever told you just how much I love days like these?"

She always was one for darkness, he thought to himself, even since high school. "You've mentioned it from time to time." He took a sip of coffee, humming at the pleasant flavor. She prepared it just the way he liked it: A dark roasted brew with two splashes of milk. "God, you always make the best coffee. How the hell do you do it?"

Anna blushed, index finger circling the top of her mug. "I've been making you coffee since high school. I can pretty much do it on autopilot," she explained. "Plus, your preferences aren't that difficult."

"Still. There's something about everything you make that makes it taste special." He took another sip. "With your talents, you can easily open up a cafe."

"And abandon the years of school I went through to become a Psychologist?" She huffed a laugh. "I may have a minor in pastry arts, but I'm nowhere near qualified to open my own business."

"I have my MBA, you know."



Anna giggled, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend. "Maybe in another life. I'm completely happy with the one I lead now." She leaned forward, both elbows on the table. "Now, tell me about those places you found online."

Chrom chuckled and obliged, turning his laptop to show her the displays. 


Happy March, everyone! Also, uh, this is new. I recently started writing in second person POV, and I think I like it. Expect a shift between POVs from time-to-time in my Prompts (not my main stories, since I'm too far in for a POV change). Also, fun fact about me: I can't have caffeine. It's not that I'm not allowed to have it, it just has the opposite effect on me. So yeah. I don't know the first thing about coffee. I can appreciate the aesthetic of it, but I can't have it. I mean, I've gone nearly eighteen years of my life without needing caffeine so I think I'm doing something right *cries in waking up at 5:30 AM every day* Anyway, thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: March 5th - "Radiant"

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