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25th of the Etherial Moon, Year 1880

Hilda flitted around the ballroom like a fairy, pink-tinted lips curved in a blissful smile. Her long, long, cotton candy pink hair fell around her shoulders, curled daintily and undone from her normal twin-tails. Her heels clicked against the marble floor and have her height (she joked that she would be as tall as her house leader, but of course that schemer wore his wedges). She was dressed in a gown of varying pink shades to complement her overall complexion. And to top the whole look off, she adorned herself with every fine piece of jewelry she owned. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, you name it.

Her words from earlier rang true, as not a single boy could keep his eyes off her. She was swept into many a dance, never tiring. This was what she was made for. Working up a sweat on the battlefield may not be her fancy, but dancing for hours upon hours created an exertion that Hilda was happy to perform.

Despite her eagerness to show herself off, she couldn't help her eyes from wandering the crowd. She'd already met with most of her classmates and even danced with a few, but there was someone who was missing: The one person Hilda truly wanted to see. All of these dance partners were but distractions for her - placeholders until the object of her affections came to her. 

I saw her earlier...she was even with us girls when getting ready! Hilda worried to herself, her dance-steps on autopilot. Maybe she's with the Professor...she was the one to do her hair, after all! No, that can't be it. Professor is almost as popular as me at this ball. Her gaze fell upon the blue-haired woman, who was swept into a dance by Petra. It was amusing, watching the two women laugh and fumble around each other. 

"Woah, are you actually deep in thought for once?" Her current dance partner, Claude, teased.

Hilda used the hand that was on his hip to pinch him. The future duke suppressed a squeak, his eyes unsurprised by the action. "I think plenty, Claude. Not everyone in the world thinks as much as you do."

He winked, allowing himself to be guided by her moves. "Ah, but that's what makes me me, dearest Hilda!" he mused. "All joking aside, you look like someone just stole your favorite hairpin."

The pinkette rolled her eyes. "For your information, I'm totally fine!" she sighed. "Perfectly, one-hundred percent fine!"

Claude shook his head, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I saw her in the courtyard earlier. She's just getting some air, that's all."

Hilda looked up at him, eyes wide and relief filling her heart. "O-oh, I see..."

Claude chuckled, breaking away from her. "Thank you for the dance, Milady." He bowed in a way that would make even Lorenz cringe. "Now, I'm going to go find Teach. In the meantime, why don't you go get yourself some refreshments? They're not as grand as some of the feasts I've been to, but the food ain't that bad."

She sighed, noting her dry throat. "Perhaps you're right. I really could use a drink." 

The two parted ways, and Hilda made her way towards the refreshments table. She had to carefully decline a few dance invitations on the way, which saddened her heart a bit, but she also desperately needed a break.

With a glass of cider in hand, Hilda scanned the room once more. A sigh escaped her lips as she sipped the bitter-sweet liquid. Maybe she decided not to come after all... I wouldn't be surprised... Goddess, I wish she would just come out of her shell a bit! Show the world how beautiful she truly is--

Hilda had to grip her flute to make sure it didn't shatter to the ground. 

Marianne stepped into the ballroom, her flowing blue gown trailing behind her. Her baby-blue hair was done up in a pattern of intricate braids, a few hairs flying out of the ensemble. Her face was red as she brushed past the other students, trying to make her way through the crowd.

Deep down, Hilda knew she would never be the belle of the ball.

That role belonged to Marianne and by the goddess did she deserve it.

Setting her glass down on a table, Hilda made her way towards the blue-haired woman. After a bit of wandering, Marianne found the little warrior right in front of her, blush growing on her face. "O-oh! Hilda! I'm so sorry I'm late! I was just-"

Hilda giggled, flashing her a wink and extending her hand. "May I have this dance?"

Marianne flushed even further but placed her hand in Hilda's anyway.


I'm so sorry this feels rushed. Truth be told, I've had no time to write literally anything all week and I'm putting the finishing touches on this at 9:30 PM. Yeah. Not a fun time. Anyway, I love this ship so much. I will die for my little pastel lesbian girls. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: March 11th - "Market"

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