🚫🤔💭Don't Think Just Be

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The next day Elysium and Neo sit on the floor of their room side by side chatting about random things he told her about what he learned from Morpheus and she told him about her life "my aunt wasn't a "kid-friendly" person but after my parents died she was who I got "stuck" with since she was my only living relative.... I probably would have done better in the system.... foster care, adoption agencies.... I would get locked in my room.... which she deadbolted from the other side.... luckily the room had a attached bathroom.... I was not allowed to come out unless I had to go to school or she was headed to work and when she had to take me somewhere she'd put me in the trunk of the car so she wouldn't have to look at me.... I learned how to take care of myself at a very early age though I had to climb out of my window just to get to the kitchen to eat or go outside in general I always had to "warn" her of my "escape" if I was in the kitchen she didn't care if I just went outside to be a kid hell I bet she wished I'd never come back!.... going to the doctor's with her was a nightmare!.... her falsely sweet tones and "lies" about what a "good girl" I was and even though she faked her love with words she never shown affection with touch she acted as though all children were a incurable disease or a virus....!"  Elysium tells him she sees the sadness in his eyes peek through and says "I didn't tell you so you'd pity me! I told you so you'd know where my phobia comes from.... I lived a good life I just had a bad "guardian".."  he chuckles "if I keep busy.... it won't be so bad.... you think Morpheus would allow me to learn "the ways of the ship"?!"  she asks he smiles and replies "I'm not sure!"  just then the door opens and the one that got introduced as "Tank" walks in and says "morning, did you sleep? you will tonight, I guarantee it I'm Tank, I'll be your operator"  Neo looks over at him and says as he shakes his hand and takes a closer look at the man as he does  "you don't have any--"  Tank replies  "holes? nope me and my brother, Dozer, we're both one hundred percent pure, old fashioned, home grown human, born free right here.... in the real world a genuine child of Zion"  Neo asks curiously "Zion?"  Tank replies "if the war was over tomorrow.... Zion is where the party would be"  Neo asks "it's a city?"  Tank replies "the last human city the only place we have left"  Neo asks "where is it?"  Tank replies "deep underground, near the earth's core"  Elysium mutters under her breath with a hint of sarcasm in her tone "oh boy!"  being the only one who heard her Neo does his best not to smile as Tank continues "where it's still warm live long enough you might even see it God-damn, I.... I got to tell you, I'm fairly excited to see what you're capable of.... if Morpheus is right and all.... I'm not supposed to talk about this, but.... if you are.... it's a very exciting time we got a lot to do we got to get to it".... soon Neo was back in the chair getting plugged into a part of the Matrix once again "are you coming!?!"  Neo asks Elysium softly "you think he can teach me how to swim!?! after what happened last time in might be a good thing to learn.... this way might not be as fun but....!"  she replies he chuckles "now, we're supposed to start with these operation programs first, that's a major boring shit let's do something more fun how about.... combat training?"  Tank says as he sits in his chair and sorts through some disks he shows one off then slides it into the machine "Jujitsu? I'm going to learn Jujitsu?"  Neo asks as he looks at the screen before him that shows what program he's about to learn Tank winks at him making Elysium chuckle softly Neo closes his eyes as the program works it's way to his brain once it goes through completely a few seconds later Neo gasps awake then says "holy shit"  Elysium chuckles softly as Tank says "hey Mikey, I think he likes it how about some more?"  Neo replies "hell yes hell yeah".... as Neo was going through each program Tank was teaching Elysium how to read the code and work the controls he had heard SOME of Neo and her conversation so he knew she is claustrophobic he was surprised how quickly she learned everything and even let her take over for a bit so he could take a break Morpheus walks over to Tank.... who was back in the "hot seat".... and asks "how is he?"  Tank replies "ten hours straight he's a machine"  Neo gasps awake Morpheus walks over to him "I know Kung Fu"  Neo whispers Morpheus looks down at him and says "show me"  Neo looks over at Elysium Morpheus copies his motion then has her lay in the chair next to Neo and hooks her up to the Matrix....

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