☯You Are The Yin To My Yang☯

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Elysium looks at Councilor Hamann and says waving to the excess of gifts left by her and Neo's door "make sure this is distributed to those who need it with how often the Neb is gone I'd hate for it to go to waste!"  the elder man bows his head at her with a smile and she copies his motion then kisses Neo's cheek before walking back into their room so the men could speak in private "that's some woman you have there!"  she hears the Councilor say and Neo reply "she sure is!".... the next morning there was a knock at Neo's door both Neo and Elysium answer it and as soon as Neo heard the dark chocolate man say as he handed over a disk "Neo it's from the Oracle"  Neo became overly serious and tells Elysium "it's time to go"  she nods, kisses his lips then thanks the man.... by name.... before closing the door "no wonder they love you!"  Neo says softly shaking his head "well that's too bad because my heart only beats for one man!"  she replies he wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her lips making her smile then they pack their bags and get ready for the next trip.... as Neo and Elysium walk to the Neb with Morpheus, Trinity and Link she snaps her head to the side as though she sensed something out of place and yet familiar Neo stops walking and asks quietly "what's wrong!?!"  she replies "nothing.... I just half expected to see or hear Michael rush over to say "see you later"!"  he chuckles then says "yeah it is quite odd isn't it!?!"  she smiles he kisses her lips then takes her hand in his and they continue walking a few seconds later they hear Michael call out in his usual excitably happy tone "Neo!"  they all turn and see Bane standing behind them hiding something behind his back as Link asks "how in the hell--? Bane"  Neo asks Bane "is something wrong?"  Bane replies as he looks over at Elysium who he somehow knew that he was.... different.... he also knew she wasn't sure in what way "no, I'm fine I just wanted to catch you to say.... good luck"  he looks at Neo when he says good luck and removes on of his hands from behind his back as he takes a few steps closer and stretches his hand out in front of him "thanks"  Neo replies noticing the blood on Bane's fingers but shakes his hand anyway "we'll see you"  Bane says he looks at Elysium one last time before turning around and walking away as Michael finally reaches the group and says "Neo! just in time you're gonna see the Oracle, aren't you?"  Morpheus says before walking over to the elevator and opening it "we don't have time"  Michael replies "I'm sorry, sir, I just have to give something to Neo a gift from one of the orphans he made me swear to get it to you before you left he said you'd understand"  as he speaks he takes something out of his pocket and hands it to Neo who looks down at it unwraps the cloth which reveals a spoon "thanks"  Neo says softly before walking away "so we're keeping this one huh!?!"  Elysium teases Neo laughs then says as he wraps his arm around her waist "yes we're keeping it!"  Elysium turns her body half way and says with a wave "bye Michael.... be good!"  Link who was waiting in the elevator with Morpheus and Trinity for them laughs as Neo teases quietly "I don't think that's possible!"....

 be good!"  Link who was waiting in the elevator with Morpheus and Trinity for them laughs as Neo teases quietly "I don't think that's possible!"

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