Oblivious Oblivion

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Neo holds Elysium's hand in his as he looks down at Morpheus who was still plugged into the Matrix and asks Tank who was standing on the other side of the chair Morpheus' body is laying in "what are they doing to him?"  Tank replies "breaking into his mind it's like hacking into a computer, all it takes is time"  Neo asks "how much time?"  Tank replies "depends on the mind eventually it will crack.... and his alpha patterns will change from this to this"  he hits a button on the screen that was next to the chair that showed brain patterns.... which changed when he hit the button.... heart rate and all the other important stuff about the person who was plugged in body then continues "when it does, Morpheus will tell them anything they want to know"  Neo asks "well what do they want?"  Tank replies "the leader of every ship is given codes to Zion's mainframe computer if an agent got the codes and got into Zion's mainframe.... they could destroy us we can't let that happen Trinity"  Trinity who was looking down at Mouse's now covered with a blanket body looks over at them as Tank continues "Zion's more important than me.... or you.... or even Morpheus"  Neo looks over at Trinity then back at Tank and says "well there has to be something that we can do"  Tank replies "there is we pull the plug"  Trinity asks as she once again looks over at them "you're going to kill him? kill Morpheus?"  Tank replies "we don't have any other choice"  Elysium says "you always have a choice! you just have to be brave enough to make it and follow through and even though I believe he'd understand your choice it just seems like you're giving up!"  Tank looks at her then says "well I can't think of any other way so unless you have a plan....!"  Elysium replies "I'm not a member of the crew and even if I did have a plan I doubt your "queen bee" would go along with it!.... even though it was partially her fault I was brought here to begin with in her eyes I'm just a waste of space!"  Tank chuckles Elysium lets go of Neo's hand then walks over to her chair looks down at it and tilts her head she would go but she didn't want to go alone Neo wouldn't like it if she went alone and she wasn't sure she could handle everything on her own for she knew that SHE wasn't "the one" for they were ALWAYS male she listens as Tank says "Morpheus, you're more than a leader to us you were a father we'll miss you always"  Neo interjects "stop! I don't believe this is happening"  Tank says "Neo, this has to be done"  Neo replies "does it? I don't know, this can't be just coincidence"  Tank asks "what are you talking about?"  Neo replies "The Oracle she told me this would happen she told me that I would have to make a choice"  Trinity asks "what choice?"  Neo rushes around her and heads towards his chair as Trinity asks "what are you doing?"  Neo replies as he continues speed walking "I'm going in"  Trinity says "no you're notNeo reaches his chair and finds Elysium already punching in his codes as he says while trying to hide a smile "I have to"  Trinity replies as she watches Neo grip Elysium's shoulder then slide his hand down her arm with a look of jealous hatred on her face "Neo, Morpheus sacrificed himself so that he could get you out there's no way that you're going back in"  Neo says "Morpheus did what he did because he believed I am something I'm not"  Trinity asks "what?"  Neo replies "I'm not the one, Trinity the Oracle hit me with that too"  Trinity says "no you have to be"  Neo replies "sorry, I'm not I'm just another guy"  Trinity says "no Neo, that's not true it can't be true"  Elysium looks at her oddly as Neo asks "why?"  Tank who was watching them argue says "Neo, this is loco they've got Morpheus in a military controlled building even if you somehow got inside, those are agents holding him three of them I want Morpheus back too, but what you're talking about is suicide"  Neo replies "I know that's what it looks like, but it's not I can't explain to you why it's not Morpheus believed something and he was ready to give his life for what he believed I understand that now but that's why I have to go"  Tank asks "why?"  Neo replies "because I believe in something"  Trinity asks "what?"  Neo looks at Elysium and replies "I believe I can bring him back"  Trinity starts setting up her computer and Neo asks "what are you doing?"  Trinity replies "I going with you"  Neo says "no you're not"  Trinity replies "no? let me tell you what I believe I believe Morpheus means more to me than he does to you I believe if you were really serious about saving him you are going to need my help and since I am the ranking officer on this ship, if you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell because you aren't going anywhere else Tank.... load us up.... YOU stay here!"  she growls narrowing her eyes at Elysium in a threatening way Elysium smiles at her but says nothing....

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