Chapter 6

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(Rose's P.O.V)

 After what seemed like an hour of explanation, my uncle then said to the creature, "Alright, there's going to be rules on this trip. Number one: Do exactly as I say all the time. Got it?" The creature responded, "Got it, Donut lord." My uncle responded, "Would you stop with the Donut lord?! I have a name. It's Tom. And my niece's name is Rose." The creature responded, "I'm Sonic." My uncle responded, "Sonic....Sonic. So you're been spying on us all for years?" Sonic responded , "I mean, I wouldn't call it spying. We were all just hanging out, only I wasn't invited, and no one knew I was there." My uncle responded, "I can't believe Crazy Carl was right all this time." Sonic responded, "Yeah, you should call him super observant Carl instead." My uncle responded, "Uh-huh." Sonic then said, "Oh my god, stop the car right now!"My uncle responded, "What? What?" Sonic then said, "The world's largest rubber band ball AND ice cream parlor! We gotta see it!" I responded,  "Can we please get some ice cream?" I whispered to Sonic , "Blue Moon ice cream is my favorite." My uncle responded, "No. No. No. This is not some fun family road trip, okay? The government wants to dissect you. And arrest me. AND take Rose away. This is serious." Sonic then sped out of the truck, and quickly returned with merchandise from the tourist attraction, and a double-scoop blue moon ice cream cone. Sonic then said, "Eh, you were right. It was lame. Gift shop was cool, though. I got you a mousepad, a-and Rose, I got you some ice cream." I smiled as he handed me the ice cream, and he stared at me, blushing. Sonic then said, turning around, his cheeks a bright pink, "When are we we going to get there?" Sonic then used his paddleball rapidly, the rubber band ball bouncing on the wooden paddle. My uncle responded, "We will get there when we get there."

 Later, when it was night, we stopped at a convenience store, and my uncle then got out of the truck, and he closed the door. He then walked to Sonic, and he then said to him, "Alright, I'm going to go check in with Dwane, see if he knows what's going on." Sonic responded, "You're going to see Dwane in that glass thing? What is it, a teleportation box?" I saw a pay phone near the convenience store, and my uncle then turned to it, and then turned to Sonic and said, "It's a pay phone. It's mostly for drug dealers and fugitives from the law, which is us. You and Rose stay in the car and don't let anybody see you two." Sonic responded, "Ugh, fine." My uncle then closed the door, and he walked into the convenience store, and Sonic then pretended to drive the truck, and I climbed next to him, and him and I then heard a loud rumble, and we looked out the window, and we saw a biker thrashouse, several people on their motorcycles, wrestling, and doing other violent, rowdy activities. Sonic then gasped, and he then ducked and said to himself, "Okay, okay. That is the coolest place in earth, but you HAVE to stay in the car with Rose." I then said, "Are you okay, Sonic?" Sonic responded, "Huh? Oh, yeah, Rose. I'm fine... " He then rose up, looking at the biker thrashouse, admiring it, and he breathed heavily, fogging up the window, but he then wiped the window and looked at it, and he then rocked himself back and forth, trying to comfort himself, and he then looked at my uncle's sunglasses, and he then said, "I have to do it." I responded,  "If you're going, I'm going too. But we can't just walk in looking like the way we are. We'll need-" Sonic then sped off, and quickly returned with a red shirt and a ten-gallon hat in one hand, and a brown, fringed dress in the other. I smiled, and I then said, "Cool! Ok, I'm going to get changed, so please don't look." Sonic then nodded, and he turned around and covered his eyes, and I ducked and got changed into the dress, and I put my normal clothes in a pocket in one of the front seats, and I saw Sonic, who already changed into his disguise. We then walked in, the bikers and waitresses looking at us weirdly, and Sonic held my hand, and I blushed. We then sat at a bar table, both of us sitting on our own bar stool. I then took out a menu, but I saw my uncle coming towards us, and I hid my face in the menu, and my uncle approached us, and he took my menu and put his hand on the table, and Sonic noticed him and said, "Howdy, partner." My uncle responded, "I'm not your partner. Come on, we're leaving." Sonic responded, "But there's a ZeeZee top cover band! You gotta see their beards!" My uncle responded, "We'll have to catch them some other time. Let's go. You and Rose get up." Sonic responded, "If we stay, I promise I won't say another word for the rest of the trip." A waitress then walked up and said, "Welcome to the Piston Pit. What can I get you fellas?" Sonic responded, "I want nachos and buffalo wings, oh, and guac! Funny word, isn't it? Guac, guac. Guaaaaac. Oh, and the lady will have the boneless chicken wings." The waitress then said to my uncle, "Ok, no kids are allowed in here. What's he got on, some kind of mask?" My uncle responded, "Oh he, he's actually 43 years old and, um, suffers from a very rare skin disease that stunts his growth and makes him that." Sonic then said, "The face I was born with. The confidence I've picked up along the way." The waitress then said, "And the girl, who looks like she's 14?" My uncle responded, "Oh, she's 41. She was just born with a young face. Make him some Mellow yellow, and get her some ginger ale, please." The waitress responded, "Okay." The waitress then walked away, and my uncle then said to Sonic, "You owe me one." Sonic then said, "I've never sat in a bar stool before! So squishy! Oh, look at this, it spins!" Sonic then spinned in his stool, and I smiled, and Sonic's sunglasses flew off, and he then said after stopping the stool, "I feel sick." My uncle then said to Sonic, "You having fun? Gonna check this off the old bucket list, huh? Big night for you." Sonic responded, "What's a bucket list?" My uncle responded, "A bucket list is's a list of things you want to do in your life before you...kick the bucket." Sonic responded, "I've never kicked a bucket either! I gotta make my list!" Sonic then ran off, and quickly came back with a piece of paper and a pencil, and he started writing his list down, and he said, "Uh-huh. Mm-hm. Oh, Sonic! *chuckles*Uh-huh." He then suddenly stopped, showing a concerned look on his face, and I looked at him, worried why he was sad. My uncle then said, "What? What's the matter?" Sonic responded, "There's so much stuff I've never done. And now that I'm leaving earth forever...I guess I missed my chance..." My uncle responded, "Well I guess this is the kind of place you could get a lot of living done in a short period of time...suppose Rose and I could spare an hour." Sonic responded, "What? You and Rose are gonna bucket list with me?" My uncle responded, "Sure, why not?" I then said, "There's nothing I'd rather do more." Sonic responded, "You two won't regret it!" My uncle responded, "I'm pretty sure I will." We then headed to the dance floor, Sonic and I sidestep-dancing, and we then played darts, my uncle throwing a dart, the dart landing in the center, and I went next, and I threw a dart, the dart almost missing the center, but landing close to the center. Sonic then rolled up his sleeves, grabbed all of the darts, and threw them all rapid-fire, and all of them missed the dart board, and three of his darts hit a waitresse's tray of sodas, making them leak. We then played basketball, my uncle throwing a basketball in the hoop, then he threw another one, and Sonic then curled up into a spiky ball, and my uncle then picked him up and threw him into the hoop, and Sonic landed on the hoop, sitting down on it and kicking his legs at a supersonic speed, making the point screen's score to up a tremendous amount! Sonic then said, New high score!" We then headed back to the dance floor, Sonic and I dancing together while holding hands, but me bending down to him, and then we headed to the mechanical bull and Sonic then got on it and the bill started bucking, and Sonic then said, "Wait, is this bull missing a head, or does it have two butts?" My uncle then yawned, and Sonic then said, "This is easy!" My uncle then said, "Ok." He then put a quarter in the machine's coin slot, and he then pressed a button on the machine, making the bull buck furiously, Sonic struggling to hold on, and he then said, "I'm a cowboy, baby!" My uncle then laughed, and Sonic then stood on top of the bull and said, "I'm okay!" We then danced some more, Sonic and I sidestep dancing together, us holding hands, and Sonic then accidentally bumped into a lady, who turned to my uncle, and she then threw her drink in his face, and we then headed back to our booth, my uncle wiping his face off, and Sonic then laughed. My uncle then said, "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up." Sonic responded, "Nice work, Romeo!" My uncle responded, "I'm glad you and Rose are having a good time." I smiled, and Sonic then said, "I am having a good time! I'm having the best time! What could go wrong?" Several bikers then approached us, and Sonic then turned around and said, "Uh..." My uncle then said to the bikers, "Can we help you?" One of the bikers then said, "We don't like your kind around here." Sonic responded, "Our kind? What kind is that?" The biker responded, "Hipsters." Sonic then gasped and said, "How dare you." My uncle then said, "Oh hey, we were just leaving anyways, weren't we? There's not a problem here." Sonic responded, "No, no, no, it's okay." My uncle responded, "No, no, no, we're leaving." Sonic responded, "I know exactly how to handle this situation." Sonic then grabbed a bottle, and he then said to the biker, "Pop quiz, hotshot. You just picked a fight with a poorly disguised hedgehog who's seen way too many action movies. What do you do? What do you do?" Sonic then hit the biker on the head with the bottle, but the bottle doesn't break. Sonic then said, "Huh, am I crazy? It was supposed to break, right?" He then tapped the bottle on the biker's head and said, "Dink. Dink, dink."He then rapidly tapped the bottle against the biker's head while saying, "Break, please. Break, please. Break-this-bottle, please. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please-" My uncle then said, "Uh, Sonic?" The biker then swung his arm to punch Sonic, but he ducked, and the biker punched my uncle! My uncle then bumped into a man, and that man punched another man, which caused a fight! I then hid under a table, terrified by the events that were unfolding. I then saw the biker lunge for Sonic, and I then said, "Look out, Sonic!" I then blinked, and I was on the dance floor, surrounded by the bikers, who were laying on the floor, and I was holding a blue flower! I blushed, and my uncle then grabbed my hand, and Sonic, me, and my uncle ran to the truck. Sonic then said, taking off his disguise, "That was amazing! Did we even pay our tabs? It doesn't matter! Oh watch this, watch this! I always wanted to do this!" Sonic then slid across the hood of the truck, and lept into the truck, and I got into the backseat of the truck, and I closed the door. Sonic then said as we drove away, the bikers running after us "See ya, suckers!" We then drove off, and Sonic then said, "I can't say for sure, but I think they liked me!" My uncle and Sonic then cheered, and my uncle then said, "Ouch!" Sonic then said, "Yeah, he got you pretty good!" My uncle responded, "I'm alright. He barely hit harder." Sonic responded, "Did you see how much toilet paper I used? The next person that goes into that bathroom will have NOTHING to wipe with!" 

We later arrived at a motel, I having my regular clothes on my uncle stopping the truck, and we then went inside, a room, and Sonic then said, "The floors were sticky, the crowd was rough, we the odds were against us. But there was no stopping the Donut lord, Wacky hands, and the Blue blur! *zips to the other bed* Scratch another one off my list." Sonic then crossed a item off his list. My uncle then said, holding a towel filled with ice to  his face, "You are a weird little dude." My uncle then handed a towel filled with ice to Sonic, and he pressed the towel to his face, and Sonic mimicked him, and after a back-and-forth mimicking, my uncle then said, "Okay." Sonic then said, "So what are we gonna do now?" My uncle responded, "I'm gonna pass out while watching tv. And you should, too." Sonic responded, "But this is my last night on earth! I wanna soak up every last second!" My uncle responded, "Alright, well anything you can find to do in this room, you knock yourself out." Sonic then sped around the room, making a giant mess, and he then entered the bathroom and took a shower, and he sped back to the bed, wearing a turban and a towel around his waist and  two towels wrapped around his shoes.  Sonic then said, "Good times." My uncle then pressed the towel against his face, and Sonic then farted. My uncle then said, "Oh, come on." My uncle then fanned his nose, and he then said, laying down, "That's awful. What did you eat?" Sonic responded, "I think it's called a chili dog." I ignored the horrible smell, and I went on the bed and I laid down next to Sonic, and my uncle then said, "You might wanna get your fur checked on that one, buddy." My uncle then said, "Hey, so what's this next planet you're supposed to go to like?" Sonic responded, "It's no earth, I can tell you that. There's no people. Just breathable air and giant mushrooms and stuff." My uncle responded, "Well, look at it this way: At least you won't be the only fun guy." I frowned, and Sonic then said, "No. Don't ever do that again." My uncle then chuckled, and he said, "I liked it." Sonic then said, "I'm really gonna miss this place. I know I have to leave earth to be safe, but what if LongClaw was wrong? Maybe I could have a life here..." My uncle then said, getting up from his bed, "Alright, we should get some sleep." Sonic responded, "You sleep. Don't worry about me. I'm gonna stay up all night, enjoying  earth while I can." I then said, "Yeah, and I'm going to stay up all night, too!" My uncle responded, "Sure, kids. As long as we're on the road by eight. My uncle then turned the light off, and Sonic and I fell asleep, Sonic's arms wrapped around me.

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