Chapter 7

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(Rose's P.O.V)

I saw us pass California's border sign, and Sonic then said to my uncle, "So, what's on your bucket list?" My uncle responded, "Me?" Sonic responded, "Yeah, everyone has a bucket list, right?" My uncle responded, "Well  sure, but, I mean, you're the one leaving earth, and I'm not planning on dying anytime soon." Sonic responded, "*chuckles* Don't be so sure! Your best friend is a MAGNET for danger." My uncle responded, "Oh yeah, anointing yourself is the best deed. Little presumptuous, but, I mean, what's not? My niece and I like you, or course, but you know, you and I aren't best friends." Sonic responded, "You tucked me and Rose in last night. Fine, fine, fine. Best animal friend." My uncle responded, "That would be my dog, Aussie." Sonic responded, "Ok, let's drop this INCREASINGLY humiliating topic of conversation. Bucket list. Give it to me!" My uncle responded, "Okay, there is one thing. In Green hills, I've hallways felt...I dunno, more like a babysitter than a real cop, you know? So I want a chance to prove myself. Under real pressure. Rose and I are gonna move to San Francisco, and I'm gonna become a street cop. And...I dunno. See if I have what it takes." Sonic and I gawked at him, both of us upset. My uncle then said, "What? Why are your faces doing that?" Sonic responded, "You're leaving Green hills AND you're taking Rose with you?!" My uncle responded, "Ok..." Sonic responded, "But-but-but-but-but why?! Why would you two leave Green hills?!" My uncle responded, "This may be hard for you to understand, but Green hills is a small town. It's a very small town." Sonic responded, "Uh, it's not small. There are hundreds of people!" My uncle responded, "That's a small town, dude!" Sonic responded, "It's a perfect town, and the people need you!" My uncle responded, "Please. I clean out their gutters, I jumpstart their cars in the winter. They could call anybody to do that." Sonic responded, "Sure they could call anybody, but they don't. They call you." I then said, "We can't just abandon him! Sonic needs our help! And we can't just leave him in his mushroom land, without any friends!" My uncle then said, "They don't need me, and Rose can't stay in such a small town! She needs to grow and make REAL friends!" Sonic responded, "You're not making any sense!" My uncle responded, "Would you calm down?" Sonic responded, "You come from a great town, with great people and a beautiful niece, and by my account, zero bad guys trying to kill you! Besides, what could possibly be more important than protecting the people you care about?" I blushed, and Sonic held my hand, and my uncle responded, "Look, I-I get that you and Rose-" A HARPOON then shot into our truck, and attached itself to the dashboard, and I squeaked, holding onto the car safety latch, and Sonic then said as the truck swivled, "You know what? I was wrong about you. You're not the Donut lord at ALL. You're more like...The Jerk lord!" My uncle responded, "Have you noticed the harpoon stuck in our dash?!" My uncle then stepped on the gas, making the truck accelerate, and the harpoon slowly started getting loose, and the truck bumped into the wall near the road, and Sonic fell out, holding onto the truck, and going on its hood! My uncle and I then shouted, "SONIC!!" Sonic then said, his quills starting to glow and electrify, "I was forced from my home! Your home is perfect, and you're leaving it and taking Rose with you! Why would you do that?!" My uncle then said to Sonic, "Your body!" I gasped, and Sonic then said "Oh no, no, no, no! Not again!" My uncle then said, "Hey! Hold on!" Sonic responded, "Why?" My uncle responded, "Cause' I'm gonna do THIS!" My uncle then stepped on the gas as hard as he could, the harpoon coming off, and Sonic flying towards a black, weoponized tank, which presumably shot the harpoon at us! I then heard a crash, and my uncle then drove the truck to Sonic, and then screeched to the side, and he then said, "Sonic! Sonic!" I saw Sonic curled up into a spiky ball, and he then collapsed, but he th got up, and he then slurred, "Guess I had a bonus life..." Sonic then gasped, and he sped to the destroyed tank, and he cheered and said, "Oh yeah, baby! Uh, Sonic one, uh big tank zero!" I smiled as Sonic did the floss dance, and Sonic then said, "I'm sorry, did we get that on camera?" My uncle then said, "How are you not dead?" Sonic responded, "I have no idea! Do you and Rose see me dancing?" My uncle responded, "Yes, we saw you dancing." Sonic then said to the tank, "Is that all you got?" The tank then moved, and my uncle then said, "Sonic, get back in the truck." Sonic responded, "You go. I'll catch up." We then drove aaway, and Sonic then sped into the truck, swinging from the window and closing the door, Sonic holding my hand, and I looked at him with concern, and I then saw a smaller road vehicle come out of the tank! Sonic then said, "I think that tank just had a baby!" I then saw the vehicle fire something at us, and Sonic then said, "Incoming!" We dodged the projectile, and it hit a minivan! Sonic then got to the back of the truck, going out the window and to the very back, and my uncle then said, "Where are you going?" Sonic responded, "Just drive the car! I'll take care of this, and if I don't make it, just ditch me. You seem good at that." I then said to Sonic, "Please be careful!" Sonic nodded, and he then jumped off, and I gulped, but I then heard a explosion, and I then said Sonic in the truck, and he then said, "We did it!" but I then saw a robot chasing after us! Sonic then said, "We did not do it. Who is this guy?" My uncle then said, "My turn." My uncle then gave Sonic the wheel, and he then said, "Here, just keep us going straight." Sonic responded, "Ha ha, this is great! I feel just like Vin Diesel! It's all about family, Tom." My uncle then swung at the robot, and Sonic then said, "Quick suggestion, roll up into a ball and smash it with your body." Sonic then swerved, and my uncle then said, "Woah! Where'd you learn how to drive?!" Sonic responded, holding an owner's manual, "Here. In this truck. It's happening as we speak!" I then plugged my ears, and I felt the car then accelerate, then it stopped, and I saw Sonic smiling at me, but Sonic and I then noticed a tiny robot flying near us! Sonic then said, "Aw, this one is cute! Let's keep him!" I then saw the robot using a laser to cut the truck's hood, and my uncle then said, "Oh, come on!" Sonic then said, "How could something so adorable be so terrible?" The robot continued to cleave through the hood, and Sonic then said, "You've got car insurance, right?" The truck's top then came flying off, and we all screamed! The robot then flew to me, and I punched it, and it does to Sonic, and he then said, grabbing it, "Buzz off." Sonic then removed its propellor, and something then attatched itself to Sonic, making a beeping noise! Sonic then said, "Th doesn't sound good." My uncle responded, "No, beeping is bad! Get rid of it!" Sonic responded, "I'm trying!" My uncle responded, "Throw it out the window! Throw it anywhere!" Sonic responded, "I can't get it off!" My uncle responded, "Alright, I'm pulling over!" My uncle then pulled over, and Sonic then sped out of the truck, struggling to get the bomb off his hand, and it then ended up on his forehead! Sonic then said, "Did I get it?" My uncle and I then ran to him, Sonic panicking to get the bomb off him, and my uncle then said, "Here, hold still." My uncle then took the bomb off Sonic and threw it away, and Sonic then said, "It's going, it's going...It's still here." My uncle and I noticed the bomb now on my UNCLE'S hand! My uncle struggled to get it off, and Sonic then removed the bomb, it now on his hand again, and Sonic then said, prying the bomb off with a crowbar, "Ugh, get off me!" Sonic then got the bomb off, and put it down on a rock and he then said, "Ha ha! Nailed it!" The bomb then exploded, knocking Sonic, my uncle, and I back! When the dust settled, I was Sonic laying on the ground, unconscious! I ran to him, nudging him gently, tears filling my eyes, and I then said, "Please wake up, Sonic! Please wake up!" Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I  softly cried and buried my face in his furry chest.

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