First Mistake

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In the cycle of life, we are merely humans seeking to live, grow and develop every aspect of our lives, whether for good or bad, we carry on.

There are times when we fear the impossible, and another time when we don't. It's a part of who we are and we cant stop it. We can only choose what to do after it has happened and how it will benefit us.

We are told that everything happening in our life is for a reason- the pain and suffering, betrayal after betrayal, lies upon lies, hatred, grief, love- even though we may never understand why.

We live in an ever changing world, full of countless opportunities to explore wherever our wildest imaginations take us.

While some of us may have the freedom to do so, the rest of us are confined to the security of being indoors.

If we ever come out it's because we were given permission or we are needed somewhere of importance.

We fall in love with the one who genuinely appears to love and care for us the same way we do, when we know little of their true intentions, because they only show us what we want to see.

Before you both become one, life is like paradise. You are treated like the queen you are- showered with presents and a love that seems endless, moments spent together are precious like diamonds, and you plan your lives together- but only if you knew what was lying underneath all of that facade.

Gestures of love brings about feelings you never thought you had and makes you experiences things you've never known, still unaware that it's all a trap.

Pulled deep within and blinded by love. When you come to realise what's really happening, it's a little too late to back out.

You get married, the old book is burnt like it never existed, carrying with it in the flames and ashes all the blissful memories shared. A new one begins, but not the Sequel of the old book you imagined it to be.

This one is where true colours unfold and reality really comes to life, exposing the true nature of the one person you thought you knew everything about, inside out, if possible, more than they knew themselves.

But you were wrong. You knew nothing then and you know nothing now. For the first time in your life you will be exposed to a type of darkness hidden from you and the world around you, unless you were the only one who knew nothing at all.

Everything changes the instant you are brought to your new home and the door closes revealing a whole new world.

Looks of disgust are shadowed your way instead of love. You now become the victim he was searching for. He welcomes you to his world, of his rules and his ways.

No act of disobedience goes unpaid, and you try your best to reason it out, and instead you are met with rejection and threats.

It's real but you still don't want to believe that it's all real, a living nightmare, a new but constant and daily battle against the one you thought loved you.

After some time you try to escape, but it proves futile whenever you try.
Then one day, you move away to a more secluded area, away from any human contact, away from family and friends without a doubt of ever seeing them again.

You look to the sky above you, hoping and praying that if what's up there is real, it will someday make a way for you to escape forever, to maybe, just maybe find the trueness to a life you were searching for, the one that said, this is it, but proved to be the opposite.

You feel like a personal salve instead of a wife who serves, cares and provides for all her husband's needs, and in return he does the same and shows his appreciation towards her for making him the happiest man alive..

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞✅ (Completed and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now