Completion of Plan- In Ashes we Lay

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Locking all the windows and doors securely, my suitcase was the next thing I left to pack. Bras, underwear of all colors, style and size were packed in. Jeans, dresses, skirts, shirts, jerseys, all too, were added.

In a smaller carry on bag I packed my essentials such as jewelry and any pictures. Before departing I would have to check into a hotel to secure my ticket and probably contact my parents.

I shook the thought off and continued to pack. I used 2 of his suitcases, a large and medium. I wanted nothing to do with my old clothing, hence, the reason I bought new ones.

Setting up the new phone I made certain everything was working perfectly. My little book containing my family and friends' contacts, I placed it into my backpack. I wasn't taking any handbags with me.

Being certain that everything I needed was well packed, I decided to pay a visit to Mr tiger. Michael made sure to feed him enough meat that would last him, so he shouldn't be hungry.

There was anesthesia inside of the medicine cabinet where he kept all of the tiger's vaccines, and I took it. I was going to release him and let the animal services pick him up.

After giving him a dosage enough not to kill him, but enough to keep him asleep for 2 to 3 hours I tied him up and brought him out of the house placing him near to the forest. He was really heavy but with the help of a wagon I succeeded. I wasn't so heartless to up and leave him there to suffer because of my plans.

I wanted Michael to suffer for all he had done to me and he will.

One hour later I left the house in his car to make reservations at a less expensive and populated hotel, thence to purchase my ticket to Brazil. I loved the culture and atmosphere and that's where my new life was going to begin.

When I returned home I proceeded to dying my hair jet red cutting it into a bob. I looked myself in the mirror before and after cutting my hair, took a few pics of each procedure smiling sadly.

Oh how I was going to miss my hair and everything I loved. But now, I have a new found goal, to start new-and-a-fresh, stress and care free. I wasn't going to allow anyone to dictate my life anymore. This was my time. I've had enough.

The completed look made me stand out appearing as a totally different person. Since I was only going to change my appearance after entering the plane, I braided my hair and put on the wig I bought.

Tears were threatening to spill and I let them flow, because everything to come in the days approaching would require me to leave everything behind.

Not that I cared much, I do.

By now the animal services should have collected the tiger. I called them before I left and they said no problem. Now all I have to do is relax until.

I have to return tomorrow for my ticket. They asked a lot of questions and I explained to them that I was pursuing career opportunities since I didn't want to forget entirely about my birth country, hence the reason I was travelling to Brazil. It was a complicated process but I passed. Thank God.

I proceeded to cook myself a delectable lunch consisting of baked fish with cheese, baked potato pie and a scrumptious icecream custard cake. I missed cooking so many new foods. I have a passion for cooking and maybe, just maybe, I might open a food court, nothing too big, just for the fun and love of it.

My career goal was to become either a Nurse, Doctor or Engineering Scientist, but those dreams were crushed the instant I married Michael. Now nothing was going to stop me from pursuing a new career.

It's never too late to do something you love. You just need to have the determination into making the first step and from there everything flows.

The clock shown 5pm. My, how the time flies, I thought to myself. So lost in my thoughts and mission to conquer him, time felt like it was at a stand still.

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞✅ (Completed and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now