The Monster?

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I jolted awake to crashing sounds. Where was it coming from, and who the hell was causing such a ruckus this early.

Sleep was still heavy in my eyes and I was enjoying a rare moment.

I swear I was going to get a headache if this continued. I remembered that I hadn't any neighbors so it could only mean one thing.

I checked the alarm clock- it was 6:15 am.
A Monday morning to be exact. Ugghhh, just when I thought it couldn't get any worst

I was snapped out of my thoughts with even more, louder crashing sounds and rushed out of bed in my pjs- which were long- and down the stairs.

When I was almost down I started going slower as the crashing sounds continued. I heard yelling, but only one voice. Was he on the phone?

Never saw him in this state and hope he was ok, but why should I care after all he did to me. Then again I should because he's my ticket out of here, so I have to act concerned.

I moved even slower, careful not to make any noise, as I stood outside the door of his study. Going in there was out of bounds, and at no time was I going to let my curiosity get the better of me, only to land me in hot larva.

He was on the phone but not any more. The crashing had died down, but it soon resumed.

I jumped, causing a little shriek to escape my mouth, quickly covering it as I tried moving away as fast as I could, but it wasnt fast enough and soon I  found myself backed up against the wall, hands securely around my waist and neck.

I didnt dare try to pry his hands away. He was already furious from whatever conversation he was having with whomever, and I wasnt going to add more fuel the fire.

He was an elephant compared to me a mere ant waiting and hoping to not be squashed.

I kept my eyes closed as I shivered, crippled by fear.
"WHAT. THE. HELL. WERE. YOU. DOING. AT. MY. DOOR?" He asked in a loud demanding voice and I jumped. His grip on my waist tightened.

Whenever he got like this, I wanted to be dead. It never ends well. After a while, I didnt answer and the grip on my waist tightened further, but I refused to open my eyes.

His breath was hot and smelled of bubblegum as he took deep but quick breaths like a race horse.

"I heard loud crashing sounds which woke me and I came to investigate. I thought someone was trying to break in since I didnt know where it was coming from so I waited by your door to know if it was coming from your study and I jumped when I heard another crash. I was moving away when you grabbed me" I said all that in one breath, my voice filled with fear.

It was useless trying to lie. Why do it when I'm already hanging by a thin thread.
After he said nothing, I opened my eyes.

Big mistake. My eyes were wide as saucers.

His eyes held anger and fury in them after I made eye contact. His breathing wasn't ragged anymore.

I paled. I felt like a ghost, only problem I could be seen and ghosts arent supposed to be afraid, but are the ones who scarred people instead.

His eyes burned intensely into mine, causing me to look away. I just couldn't hold the eye contact, not forgetting I'm trapped and probably seconds away from pissing my skin. Grosss

"Look at me", came his voice in a low growl. He tilted my head up, expecting to look into my eyes, but when I didnt his hold on my cheek became worst. "I'm not a fan of repeating myself over and over to people who dont pay attention and focus themselves on ways to act stupid when they're already stupid..

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞✅ (Completed and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now