The Room

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It was dark and cold like a graveyard. Except there wasnt any smell of rotting flesh or the creepy sounds and shadows that lurked around.

It would scare the daylights out of you if you ever passed through, that's if you aren't afraid of walking among the undead. Your first encounter, seemingly your last once they don't wake up.

But not here. Not in this room. I was a frequent visitor, almost close to someone visiting the grocery store.

How frequent you may ask. Sometimes 4 times a week whenever he's at home, depending on good behavior.

There was something about the way I did things that he never appreciated, or felt it wasn't perfected enough, so I got punished.

If I mistakenly added too much salt, he would accuse me of trying to kill him and lock me down here for a day.

If the house wasn't spotless or I didn't clean the entire house from top to bottom within a day or two, he chained me to the cold wall in nothing but my under garments for 3 days, without food or water.

I've gotten used to his tortures and learned how to survive. But how long was I going to go on like this.

Never in my wildest dreams had I a single thought that humans, more so, my husband could do this to me. Often times I wonder if other women passed through what I'm currently going through and how they cope.

Do they make it out alive and get to start over if they're not confined to prison, or dead loosing the last ray of hope they held onto hoping someone would come and save them from their misery.

I guess women like us are probably better off dead, than to escape alive having to live with all this pain bottled up, fearing to trust someone again, not knowing what he/she is capable of.

But if we were better off dead, who would have been there to share their story and give other women out there, like me hope, that all of this will one day be over and justice served.. even if some of us dont make it out alive.

I know I want to be in that small percentage of women who make it out alive, being able to start again and find at least one honest person to trust.

Only time will tell. Some say you can't control your destiny, but what if you can.

They say that because you will be looking at your destiny based on your current situation, but what if you can weigh the options of the various paths you can take, based on the situations you are faced with and carve your own destiny.

I believe in that. Using the opportunities that present themselves, by analyzing them. It's what has kept me thus far, and I can't five up. I know I'm at the end and I'm willing to do everything it takes within me to escape here for good, leaving behind memories-good and bad, which I learned from.

I could remember breaking a favourite ornament of his which he brought back from his first ever business trip, and the consequences had me begging to die.

I never cried like that in my entire life. I wanted death to grab me like a predator pouncing on its prey as it draws nearer to it.

He had a lot of pets- not normal dogs and cats- venomous snakes and spiders, and a tiger. The snakes and spiders are gone now.

He locked me in the tiger's cage after starving it for an entire week and half. The tiger was chained, with only its claws two inches away from my body. 

I was backed up against the cold grill. I couldn't move. I had to keep standing as the tiger tried its best to get to me for the entire period. I couldn't and I didnt slept. Neither did the tiger, he was hungry and craving the taste of fresh flesh.

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞✅ (Completed and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now