Part 30 dont leave me

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Don't hate me please love yal all and than you for the love you showing me🥺🖤

Steve was sitting on the chair worried sick as he heard keys on the door.

"Natasha thank god you are okay I was so worried"he said touching her but she walked into the room with straight face walking to their bedroom Steve followed her behind
"Nat?"he asked her as she got out a suitcase getting things into the bag
"Nat talk to me what are you doing?"he asked getting in front of her stopping her
"Natasha no don't do that!"he said touching her cheeks
"I need time!"she said taking his hands of her face
"Don't leave me!"he said worried
"I don't have a choice"she said with tears forming her eyes
"Natasha no you can't do that! You are 4 months pregnant where are you going to go you can't just leave!"Steve yelled going crazy
"That's why I am leaving they need to be healthy and I need time to think!"she said with a crying tone
"Natasha please don't do this don't leave me I need you I am so sorry!"he said
"I wish you would think that when my father died and you didn't tell me!"she yelled
"I am stupid I am sorry don't leave me please"he said scared of loosing her
"I didn't even say goodbye to him because of you"she said crying now but tried to keep her voice still
"Where are you going to go?"he asked worried
"Somewhere to think!"she said
"Natasha no I am not letting you go I love you!"he yelled with tears in his eyes hugging her which she didn't accept she was gonna give in but she was really angry to do that
"I know and I love you too that's why I am leaving"she said getting her suitcase walking out of the door he sat on the bed thinking of what just happened she left him she said she needed time he was so scared so scared of loosing her again he hit his hand on the wall crying how is he gonna leave without her? She is pregnant where is she gonna go?

Natasha walked out of the house with her heart broken she couldn't see him like that but it was not healthy she needed her time she needed time to think and she couldn't do that here.

She walked down the streets crying with her babies kicking more than they ever did.How did they ended up like this she loves Steve with all of her heart and she will come back when she is ready.

Her phone rang
"Hello?"she asked sobbing
"Nat? Are you crying?"Wanda asked
"I left him"she cried out
"What?"Wanda asked in shock
"I left him I need to go I need some time"Natasha said crying
"Where are you?"Wanda asked
"I don't know"Natasha said
"Natasha where are you going?"Wanda asked
"I am going away for a little just a little"Natasha said dying inside
"Natasha you know he can't live without you he loves you"Wanda said
"I know and I love him too but I need to do this for the both of us I am sorry"Natasha said closing her phone crying

She immediately called Axel
"Hey can you pick me up?"she asked him
"Of course where are you?"he asked
"Down the street of your house"she said sobbing
"I am coming"he said closing the phone

She had taken her decision it was not going with Axel.Axel will just help her she needed a plane she was going back to Russia to her grandma for some days,weeks or months to get her mind clear she needed to do this a break so this relationship can work.

"Natasha are you okay?"Axel asked getting her suitcase into his car
"No I am not"she cried into his embrace
"Shh it's okay"he said patting her back
"I already miss him"she sobbed


The other morning everything was clear she was gonna leave with Axel airplane lines that her destination would be qualified so none can know and search her.

"Will you be okay?"Axel asked
"I think so"she said getting out of his car as they arrived at the airport
"In Russia there will be car waiting for you"he said and hugged her
"Thank you for everything I will be back soon"she said
"Good"hé said and did something she didn't expect he kissed her she put her hands on his chest and pushed him not kissing him back
"Axel I am married and I love Steve I just need a break please don't do this to me again"she said seriously

"You need to go"he said looking at the plane which was ready to go not wanting to say anything about this which she respected and though he understood he just wanted to feel her soft lips one more time and he did even if she didn't kiss him back


Steve was going crazy he called Wanda again asking if Natasha was there but the answer was no.

"Wanda do you know where she is?"he asked scared
"She only told me that she was leaving away"Wanda said which didn't leave Steve's mind away
"She is fucking pregnant where could she go she needs to be careful"he said looking his mind
"Maybe give her some time Steve she will come back she told me!"Wanda said looking at the positive side
"What if she don't?"he asked angrily
"She will!"Wanda said

Steve walked into his office ordering everyone

"Find me my wife I wanna know where she is if she took plane,cab or ship everything where she could be!"Steve said frustrated and everyone nodded getting out of his office started to working


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Will Steve find her?
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