she's in love with you

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Jesy's shoulders felt heavy from the built-up tension and stress she's been under recently. She was exhausted. She didn't know what time it was but she knew it couldn't be too late since the sun was just starting to set. But she was so worn out all she wanted to do was crawl into bed.

But she stopped when she set her bag on the floor and took in the familiar scent that lingered in the air. It smelled delicious, whatever it was. She followed it and the sight that she was met with when it led her to you in the kitchen, cooking her favorite food made her heart melt.

"Y/n?" You turned around and smiled when you saw her. "Jesy! You're home!" You hugged her tight and she breathed in the scent of your perfume. "What's this?"

You looked back at the stove and then at her again. "I made your favorite! Jade texted me and told me you didn't really have the best day and you've been really stressed out lately so I wanted to do something nice for you, something to make you happy."

Jesy didn't think she'd be able to smile that day, but she was wrong. Upon hearing that, her eyes lit up and she was pulling you in for the tightest hug. "This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you y/n." You kissed her cheek and took her hand to lead her to the table.

You made sure she filled up on dinner, wanting to make sure she was eating enough and taking care of herself. "That was just amazing," she reached for your hand across the table after dropping her fork on her empty plate. "I'm glad you loved it."

She sat back in her chair and stared at you. You blushed a little and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "What is it?" Jesy's smile was wider and brighter than ever. She stood up and knelt on the floor in front of you. "I'm so in love with you."

You giggled but Jesy shook her head. "Y/n I'm serious. I know I've told you countless times how much I love you but... it just hit me tonight how much I truly love you. How much I care about you and how much you mean to me. No one has ever done something like this for me. It's so thoughtful and so kind... so you. I love everything about you. I am so in love with you."

She reached up and ran her fingers through your hair. You had tears in your eyes. Yes, you know she loves you and she knows you love her right back. But today, you got to truly show her that. And to hear those words fall from her lips so sincerely, so softly... it made you feel better than you ever have before.

"I'm in love with you too," you murmured and kissed her softly before burying your face in her neck, wishing you could just freeze time right then and there. You never wanted that moment to end.

Jesy Nelson Imagines (gxg) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now