motion sickness

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You dropped your forehead against the seat of the toilet as you tried to ignore the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach.

The constant motion of the bus hasn't been good for you. It's made you so dizzy you almost passed out and now, it's got you on your knees in front of the toilet at three in the morning.

You started to throw up again, one hand clutching your turning stomach while the other rested on the seat, too sick to even care about how dirty it was.

You heard a gentle knock on the door but you couldn't say anything. You heard it open before you heard Jesy's voice.

"Y/n? What's wrong? Are you sick?" She rubbed your back comfortingly, noticing that your shirt was damp from sweating so much.

She grabbed your hair from your hand and used her other hand to hold that one in an attempt to calm your anxiousness. "That's it, let it out."

She comforted you the whole time, not once complaining or scrunching her nose in disgust. And when you finished she let you lay your head in her lap as she combed her fingers through your tangly hair.

"Motion sickness again?" You weakly nodded your head before managing to stand up, mostly thanks to Jesy who held your waist tightly so your knees couldn't give out from under you.

She flushed the toilet and turned off the light. She guided you to the couch and started to dig through the cupboards, relief washing over her when she saw the medicine she was looking for.

"Here, honey." She handed you a couple of tablets and you swallowed them quickly before collapsing against the couch.

"Wanna go back to bed?" You shook your head. "Too tired,"

Jesy kissed your forehead before going back to the bunk, returning later with your blanket and pillow. "Let's you get you all comfy then." She smiled and fluffed the pillow for you, making sure you were as comfortable as can be.

She also grabbed a cloth from the bathroom and wet it down with some cool water and put it on your forehead. "Feel good?" She chuckled when you let out a soft sigh.

"Yeah, thank you. You'll stay here with me, right?"

She climbed up on the couch behind you and held you as close as possible. She started to rub your stomach and kiss your jawline sweetly.

"Get some sleep. You'll feel better in the morning." She said as you both closed your eyes and started to fall asleep.

But little did she know that you were already starting to feel better. The medicine, along with the comfort of her arms, was already helping.

Jesy Nelson Imagines (gxg) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now