she steals your blanket

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Until I finish the next chapter of my little series for Jesy, here's a cute little something
The last few hours have been a bit of a drag. Lying wide awake in bed, you spent the time staring at the wall or ceiling, or groaning and pleading to the universe for some sleep. You felt frustrated. But now, you were finally getting sleepy.

It was a little after three in the morning and as you turned onto your side and let your now heavy eyes close, you felt comfortable and felt yourself finally drifting off to sleep.

There was a light breeze coming through the bedroom window. It wasn't exactly cold, but the air was a little cooler than it had been earlier. Understandably so, considering it's in the early hours of the morning and the sun went down hours ago.

You just snuggled up a little tighter with your blanket. Everything was beginning to fade out; the chirping of the crickets and Jesy's soft snores. But, just before you got to sleep, something unexpected happened.

The blanket you had been snuggled up with was tugged right off of you. Your eyes flew open immediately. You groaned upon the cool air blowing against your skin. It caused goosebumps to rise on your skin and a shiver to run down your shoulders.

You reluctantly opened your eyes and looked around confused. You turned to find that Jesy was covered up with your blankets. Unfair! She had her own beneath yours. Her own fluffy one to keep her warm and toasty.

You tugged at it, hoping you could just yank it away from her and go straight to sleep. But she had quite a grip on it. She wasn't letting go.

"Jesy!" You whined as you tugged at it again. "Please give it back to me." You rubbed your eyes. Feeling tired and cold, you had absolutely no other option but to wake her.

"Jesy! Wake up!" You said as you shook her shoulders.

She groaned as she awoke. Eyes opening, she blinked the sleep out of them. "What is it, Y/N?"

"You stole my blanket." You pointed to it, draped right over her, up to her chest.

"Oh. Baby, I'm sorry." She quickly pulled it off of her and placed it over your lap.

You threw it over your feet and then pulled it up to your chin. "Thank you."

"No problem, honey. Were you cold?" She asked as she enveloped you in her arms, making you even warmer than before.

"A little. But I'm much warmer now that I have my blanket and you holding me."

She chuckled tiredly and kissed your forehead before letting her head fall back against the pillows, closing her eyes just as you closed yours. "I'm happy to hear that. I love you, baby. Sleep tight." She whispered, but you didn't reply because you had already drifted off to sleep; too warm and cozy now to stay awake any longer, even if you tried to.

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