party games

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"we should play a game." michael suggested as we all sat on the couch together in the apartment filled with a few of our friends. "like truth or dare" he smirked.

luke sat up, his interest peaked and played with his lip ring as he made direct eye contact with my date and spoke slyly, "truth or dare, josh?"

what is he doing?

"um... truth." josh chuckled hesitantly.

I don't blame him, I'm nervous too. luke has been acting strange all night, he's usually so sweet and kind but tonight he was the total opposite. he was arrogant and mocking.

"is it true that you moved away because your dad turned into a crackhead?" luke asked innocently, batting his eyelashes as he took a sip from his beer.

"luke!" I glared at him, silently begging him to apologize to josh. he just shrugged and replied, "that's what everyone was saying, remember?"

josh shifted in his seat uncomfortably and pushed his hair back off his forehead as he spoke, "no, my mom had cancer and we moved to live with my grandma." he mumbled.

I scoffed at luke as he rolled his eyes. he was being so fucking rude. I reached over and grabbed joshs hand, giving it a slight squeeze to tell him I was sorry.

"luke, truth or dare?" michael glared as I looked at him and shook my head, knowing that whatever he was planning was going to be something bad in an attempt to defend josh from lukes childishness.

"truth." luke chuckled, thinking he was safe from michaels revenge.

"have you ever cheated on a girlfriend and kept it a secret from her?" michael asked slowly as brie sat up giving luke a puzzled look as she was suddenly interested in the conversation. I reached over josh to grab michaels arm and pinch him as a warning to shut up.

"never," luke replied, not taking his eyes off me. I knew he had figured out by now that I had told michael about what happened with us and by the look on ashtons face I knew he figured it out as well.

"the game is called truth or dare." michael laughed coldly.

"michael stop it," I whispered.

"I just think it's funny ho-" "brie truth or dare?" I asked, interrupting michael before he could dig an even deeper hole than he already has.

"I guess I'll chose dare." she shrugged, oblivious to the sudden tension in the air.

"tie your hands to your feet with your shoelaces for the rest of the game." ashton spoke for me and i gave him a thankful smile.

"that's so stupid." she spoke as she began tying her hands and feet together.

"nessa, truth or dare?" brie asked, with a smug look on her face making me want to just end the game then and there.

"truth." I spoke immediately, knowing that brie would give me the worst dare she could think of. probably something to humiliate me or make me end up in the hospital.

"if you had to kiss any of the four guys in the band who would you kiss?" she smirked.

your boyfriend.

I looked at josh and he gave me a shy smile, then I turned to look at luke and he was glaring at me like never before. if looks could kill I'd be on the floor and dead by now.

"ashton." I replied, not wanting to make things more uncomfortable with josh. ashton sat up straight, blushing like crazy at the mention of his name.

"then kiss him."

"that's not part of the game." luke spoke quickly.

"I think I'm going to go home." I sighed as josh and I both stood. "I'll see you guys tomorrow at the airport."

"you're not going to spend the night?" calum asked, completely lost about why it was so awkward. poor cal. I made a mental note to fill him in on all the details later when he's sober but I knew that michael and ashton already had that covered.

I opened my mouth to speak but I was interrupted by josh. "you should spend the night with your friends, you're all going to the same place tomorrow anyway." he smiled.

he's so sweet.

"okay... but let me take you home." I said, hearing a gag come from luke.

I turned around to ask if something was wrong but brie had beat me to it. he covered it up by saying he just felt sick.


while I drove josh back to his house we talked about our childhood and sang loudly to the songs on the radio. I tried to avoid the awkward discussion of what had just happened but I knew it was going to come up eventually.

might as well get it out of the way.

"I'm sorry about luke." I sighed.

"it's okay, I get the feeling there's some issues between you two right now?" he asked.

"yeah something like that. we have a long three months ahead of us of seeing each other every day though so we'll get over it." I replied as I parked the car in his driveway.

"nessa... I know this is a little soon, but I feel like us bumping into each other at the beach was a sign of some sort." josh sighed as he reached for my hand. "I like you, I've always liked you and spending time with you makes me feel like we're kids again. is there a chance that when you come home that you and I could maybe start seeing each other?" he asked.

"seeing each other like as in a relationship?" I asked, sounding more shocked than I intended to.

"umm yeah. maybe after a few dates?" he said, a little unsure of my reaction.

move on nessa. it's time to move on. don't think about it too much or you'll start to back out.

"we could start now." I spoke before I could stop myself.

"a relationship now?" he asked.

"or maybe just friends who have a mutual liking towards each other and don't see other people." I said quickly.

"I think kids these days call that the 'talking stage'." he laughed. "I'd like that." he smiled as he leaned over the center console to kiss me.

his kiss was sloppy and wet as he practically threw himself at me, making me hold on to the steering wheel for support. it was nothing like luke. I kissed him back, telling myself that if I kept comparing him to luke I'd never move on.

his hands wandered behind my back and under my shirt as I felt him touch the hook of my bra, struggling to undo it. I cringed at his touch and accidentally honked the horn, making him jump away.

"I should probably get back to my friends." I spoke, smiling at him.

"I'll call you." he said as he gave me another quick kiss and walked out of my car.

as soon as I was sure he was inside his house I groaned and rested my head against the steering wheel.

what am I doing?

another boring filler chapter ): sorry

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