"I like you both."

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if there's anything in this world that I'm certain of, it's that I love you. I don't know my favorite movie or what I want for breakfast this morning, but I do know that I love you. that's one thing that will never change.

I sat on the floor looking at luke as he slept peacefully next to me. we stayed up all night talking as he held my hand, occasionally giving it a kiss. it was sweet, the kind of thing you would see in a cheesy romcom. he didn't even finish the song because we sat all night listening to music and laughing quietly, trying to not wake up anyone else.

except now it was morning and I knew that things would be different between us. I was patiently waiting for michael to wake up so I could tell him about what happened. luckily he was the first to wake up and I pulled him into the bathroom for some privacy.

"luke kissed me." I spoke as he stared at me sleepily. I watched his eyes grew wide as he replied, "you kissed? how did that happen?"

I studied his face for any sign of judgement but instead he looked excited, happy even.

"it's not the first time." I mumbled, "he kissed me on the bus the night before we got to berlin."

he paused to think and a few seconds later gasped loudly. "the day brie came to surprise h-"

"yes that day." I whispered loudly as I covered his mouth with my hand. he was being too loud and I didn't want anyone else to know about this. I especially didn't want luke to know I told michael.

I turned to the power outlets and flipped on the extraction so that the bathroom would be filled with the noise from the fan and we could talk without worrying someone would hear us.

"but he didn't break up with her, they're still together, he told me himself..." he said with a confused look.

he was right, they were still together. luke was cheating on her and I was shamelessly assisting. why would he kiss me then? did he want someone he could sleep with while on tour, someone who he knew wouldn't tell brie?

suddenly I felt sick.

michael spent 10 minutes lecturing me about how what we were doing was wrong, and that brie didn't deserve to be cheated on. I can't believe she has everyone so fooled into thinking that she's this sweet girl when she's been making fun of me for years.

after about 2 more minutes I had enough and interrupted him. "we should wake everyone up, rehearsals start in an hour."

we opened the bathroom door and were faced with the three boys staring at us like we had grown a second head. ashton and calum were fighting back their laughter but luke wasn't. he glared at me as I walked out of the bathroom with michael behind me.

"what were you guys doing in there?" calum teased.

"we were just talking." michael said as he grabbed a pillow and tossed it at our black haired friend who was wiggling his eyebrows at us.

once they were rehearsing I sat on the table of the makeup desk in the empty green room staring off into space.

"hey, what are you doing?" luke asked, walking into the room.

"just thinking. shouldn't you be rehearsing?" I asked as I sat up.

he took a step closer and put his hand on my knee as he dug through the drawer next to me.

"we're taking a break."

I put my hand on top of his and he looked up me, raising an eyebrow.

"something wrong?"

"are you and brie still together?" I asked before I could stop myself.

he sighed as he stood between my legs and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

"it's complicated." he said.

"why is it complicated?" I asked, looking up at him as I hugged him back, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"I don't know, I love brie." I could feel my heart break when he said that. I unwrapped my legs and pushed him away as I jumped off the desk.

he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into his arms and hugged me again, kissing my forehead.

"but I really like you nessa." he spoke, "I don't know when it happened, but I do know that I like you."

I smiled as I stood on my toes to kiss him. it was a soft, innocent kiss. his hand moved to my cheek as he kissed me back, smiling into the kiss. when he pulled away I couldn't help but blush as I looked at him feeling content.

"don't look at me like that."

"like how?" I asked.

"like I'm the greatest person in the world, it just makes me feel worse." he replied, intertwining our fingers as he held my hand.

"but you are the greatest person in the world." I smiled.

suddenly his phone began to ring. we both looked down and saw the contact name.

incoming call from: brie <3

I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, wondering if he was going to answer or not.

he did.

"hey babe, what's up?" he answered as he continued to hold my hand. I could hear her muffled voice through the phone as she spoke.

"yeah we're coming home for a few days before we head to north america."

I stood there awkwardly as he listened to whatever it was she was saying.

"I miss you too." he said, making me cringe as I pulled my hand away from him.

he looked at me with confusion as I crossed my arms and stared at the floor. this was getting painfully awkward. we stood in silence for a few more minutes as she continued to speak.

"okay babe, I got to go." he said, noticing I was beginning to grow impatient. he paused for a little bit as he mumbled, "I love you too." and hung up the phone.

I knew he wasn't going to be the first to speak, so I spoke first once i built up the courage. "luke what are you doing?"

"what do you mean?" he asked.

"you just told brie you loved her, not even five minutes after you told me that you like me." I said, trying not to cry.

"nessa..." he opened his mouth to speak but then closed it and looked down at his feet.

"what were you planning on doing?" I asked. "we're you just going to date us both?"

"you and me are just friends" he said. it hurt just as much as the first time he said it.

"friends don't kiss!" I yelled, wiping away my tears before he could see I was crying. "friends don't cuddle or hold hands either." I added, lowering my voice so the others wouldn't come in.

"can you just wait for me?" he asked.

"wait for what? are you going to break up with brie?" I questioned.

"no." he said and then quickly corrected himself. "I don't know... I love her."

"she cheats on you! and she's so fucking mean to me!" I was trying to be as quiet as possible but I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I don't know, I'm confused. nessa, I like you both." he sighed.

"then figure it out, and until then stop fucking kissing me." I spat as I walked out of the room before he could hurt me any more than he already has.

waiting for you // l.r.h. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now