【Chapter 27】

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The next morning, Seungmin unwillingly forces himself out of bed.

In the previous night, Seungmin was practically forced to remain at the stupid gathering until every other businessman and businesswoman left with their obvious fake smiles, final dozens of handshakes, and faces flushed from more than three glasses of champagne. He had to stand around and listen to the utterly stupid gossip that these stupid business people spread from mouth to mouth in attempts to ruin the businesses of the other stupid people. Everything and everyone was just incredibly stupid.

Seungmin had lost count of the number of times he had rolled his eyes at the other clueless and ignorant rich people. He was sure one of the adults that spoke with him noticed his indiscreet eye rolls, but no one spoke notice of it. Or it was possible that they were all just impossibly chipper that they were simply blind to Seungmin's constant annoyance.

After getting up, Seungmin is hit with a striking headache. After a night like that, he required a maybe 24-hour rest in order to simply function again.

'Should I just go back to sleep?' Seungmin contemplates as he checks his phone for any notifications. He is close to succumbing to his desire of resting more and groaning a 'fuck you' to his tight schedule. However, his eyes widen at the jaw-dropping sight of about 60 missed phone calls and 284 messages from a phone number that Seungmin couldn't recognize.

Opening his messages, he reads over what this insane mystery person had texted him, keeping an expression of disbelief, but he quickly relaxes when he finally realizes exactly who the person was.

He quickly goes to save the contact as 'iT'S LeGEnD' and calls him back.

"Hello?" Seungmin says after the call goes through.

"YAH! HYUNG! DID YOU READ MY MESSAGES?!" a dolphin-like voice screams through Seungmin's phone, which is at maximum volume.

Seungmin immediately retracts his phone from next to his ear, waiting for the ringing in his left ear to subdue before cautiously placing the phone to his ear again.

His ear is still ringing as he says, "Chenle, my ear hurts."

"Ah... Sorry, Hyung," Chenle says in the most unapologetic tone ever.

"It's okay, I will forgive you if you cover for my ear check-up later. Anyways, what's up?"

"Haha! I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out. I'm free today and I wanna continue the conversation we never got to finish last night."

"Hmm... alright. Where do you wanna meet up?"

"I'm sure a cafe is fine with you? I'll send you the address. Let's meet up there in 45 minutes?"

"Sounds good. I'll see you soon then. Bye, Chenle!"

Seungmin hangs up the phone after Chenle says his goodbyes. He immediately allows himself to fall back into his comfy duvet afterward. He stays in that position for a while before finally convincing himself that he should get ready.

He gets off the bed and makes his way to the bathroom, Brownie eager to follow him around.

"Brownie, I'll give you breakfast in a second. Let me wash up first. Brownie... sit," Seungmin orders his dog.

Brownie, being the obedient dog he is, sits and waits in front of his food bowl, tail wagging vehemently. Seungmin chuckles at the sight and goes to quickly finish his business in the bathroom.

After feeding his patiently impatient dog, Seungmin then checks his phone to see where Chenle wanted to meet up, finding that the café was called "Cafe Rosalia". (a/n: This name might appear in a future story. Stay tuned!)

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