chapter one

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I sat with my legs hanging off the curb, inhaling a puff of smoke from the cigarette pursed between my lips. The instantly relaxing feeling causes my shoulders to slouch, resting my head on my hand, watching the numerous cars roll by.

The grey clouds begin to cover the mid September skies, rolling my eyes at strangers as they pass by giving me strange looks. I rub my legs, getting colder by the minute, my finger getting caught in one of the many rips in my black skinny jeans, the cigarette hanging from my lips.

A familiar car comes to an immediate stop in front of me, the black tinted window rolling down, Calum popping his head out from the frame. "Get in," he smirks, nodding his head towards the rear door. I stand up, stubbing out my cigarette on the sidewalk, pulling open the back door, sliding in.

"What are the plans for tonight?" I ask, rummaging around for my lighter, "shit" I curse under my breath.

"Michael's having that party remember?" He questions, looking in his rear view mirror to meet my gaze as he attempts to jog memory.

"Oh right, yeah yeah - I forgot.." I trail off, rolling my eyes as Michael has a party nearly every week and it just gets a bit boring, "do we have to go?" I ask, looking back up to watch his reflection in the mirror.

"Yeah! you feeling alright?" he asks, sounding a little concerned contrasted with the smirk appearing on his face.

"Oh shut up," I let out a small laugh, "I just don't really feel like it," my gaze rearing to the window, looking out onto the grey skies which decide to now completely cover the city, the sun gently setting behind the clouds.

"Well you will when we get there," he continues, "you always end up enjoying it anyway," he lets out a small huff.

Cal drops me off at my house, saying he will pick me up in about an hour. I walk up the perfectly paved path running through the closely mowed lawn, one of the many 'perfect' houses in our neighbourhood. I roll my eyes at the dark house in which I live. I unlock the door, throwing my keys on the side table as you walk in the door, seeing a note scribbled on the mirror on the right hand side wall. I pull it off reading,

"Sorry Hun! Your fathers had to go to Germany again on business, and I had to go to yoga, there's soup in the fridge, see you later Xx".
I throw the note back onto the table below the mirror, next to my keys, running up the stairs to my room, deciding on what I should wear. I decide on a pair of black jeans with a rip at each knee, and a plain black bralet, pulling on my fully black van slip on's. I brush through my hair, grabbing my phone charger and a bottle of Vodka from the back of my wardrobe (my secret stash), rearranging my clothes to cover the amount of empty bottles at the back.

"Bye Ash," I shout to my brother in his room, as usual, he doesn't seem to leave it.

"Where are you going?" he asks, opening the door to see me standing in the hallway, and what looks like an English book in his hands, towering over me as he's so tall.

"Michael's having a party," I send him a small smile, "you can come if you want," I add, just wishing he would come out at least once in a while. He shakes his head,

"Have fun," he simply says, a small smile appearing on his lips before turning back to his book, his blond curly hair flicking infront of his face.

I hear Calum beep his horn to signal he's out front. I run down the stairs, my Mum coming through the door as I do. Her hair up in a neat ponytail, in her Victoria Secret gym gear, rolling my eyes at her face full of makeup, even when going to the gym. She is a typical stay at home mum, forever made up, blonde long hair, and I was supposed to be her prized daughter, but I guess it didn't quite turn out like that. "You going somewhere?" She looks up, to meet my gaze, my hand immediately shooting behind my back, trying to hide the liquor.

"Um, yeah..Michael's having a party, and then I'm staying at Calum's," I quickly ramble, as she flicks through the mail.

"Oh okay," her surprised tone taking me by surprise, "you're going like that?" she asks, eyeing my ripped jeans, "I bought you that really nice American Apparel skirt last week. Why don't you wear that?" she asks, well when my Mumasks it's not really an option, it's compulsory.

"Okay.." I sigh, heading back upstairs,

"Oh and the Vodka behind your back, who's is that?" She calls up,

"Just Calum's," I retort. I quickly text Cal saying I'll be out in a second as I change into the black pleated American Apparel Tennis skirt my Mum got me. A skirt I never would've bought myself, I don't think I've ever set foot in an American Apparel store. The skirt reaches just above mid thigh, as for a girl I'm quite tall, 5'7" is quite tall for our area anyway.

I keep on the bralet, pulling my hair up into a high pony tail, my hair still falling to mid back, pulling a few strands out, messing it up a little. I grab my phone charger and the Vodka again, before running down the stairs, "Bye!" I shout, not allowing any time for my Mum to answer, before shutting the door, heading up the drive to Cal who is waiting patiently in the car, beating his hands on the steering wheel.

I hop in the passenger seat, shutting the door behind me. I take a sip of the Vodka before handing it to Calum who takes a gulp, I screw the lid on and putting it by my feet as he starts the car. "Nice skirt," the smirk playing on his lips,

"Be quiet, my mum wanted me to wear it.." I trail off, "I just need to get wasted," I add,

"Preach it."

After a while of sitting in traffic we arrive at Michael's house, another house in the neighbourhood in which was not destined to be the host of as many house parties as Michael decides to have. We hop out together, walking up the path to the already filled house, with people milling outside, the door wide open. We walk in, Vodka under my arm, alcohol and B.O filling my nostrils, smiling immediately at the familiar smell.

Michael rushes up to us, bringing an arm around each of our shoulders, walking us over to the counter filled with drinks, "Hey guys! glad you could get here," alcohol evident in his breath, making me laugh, trying to wriggle from his death grip.

"Wouldn't miss it!" Cal shouts back, leaning on the counter in which Michael guided us too. He grabs two shot glasses from the cupboard in which we have learned is the famous liquor cabinet. "Hey mate come here!" Cal shouts to someone I'm unaware of, while pouring a good amount of Vodka in each glass.

A boy with blonde hair, styled into a quiff walks over, wearing the same pair of jeans I was going to wear earlier, with a grey t-shirt, a pair of black vans, and who had the most piercing blue eyes. "This is Luke," Cal shouts over the music, resting his two hands on the shoulders of the new boy. He sends me a smile, to which I just roll my eyes, pushing back the shot, feeling the cool liquid run down the back of my throat, the foul taste filling my mouth. I shudder at the disgusting taste, Luke(?) I think that's his name, laughing at me under his breath.

"Oh is that funny?" I ask him, raising my eyebrows. He immediately stops laughing, a confused expression on both his and Calum's faces.

"What's your deal?" Cal asks, shrugging in response.

"Just looks like he's trying really hard to be punk rock, that's all.." I shrug again, teasing the boy, pushing back another shot, almost gagging at the disgusting taste, trying to hide the smirk playing on my lips.

"Says the girl wearing the tennis skirt," the boy perks up, mimicking my expression.

"My Mum made me wear it," I roll my eyes at his new found confidence,

"Oh because that's so punk rock," he smirks, as Cal slaps him encouragingly on the back laughing.

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