Chapter 17: Poisonous

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Firey's POV:

  I just got out of my class, and just grabbed a snack from the cafeteria. I glanced at the hall television, where they showcase a bunch of updates. It was on, but put on a static screen. Strange. The only places that doesn't have signal in this school is the underground parking, the basement under that, and the farthest point of the school. Middlewest River. The place I got shot.

  The screen went black again, but it was still on. A cursor moved to the middle, and a video played.




  I heard piano, and guitar. Maybe some students were creating a cover and they wanted to share it. I was half right, and wrong. What I saw weren't juniors, or seniors, or anyone I didn't know. They looked.. familiar. A girl and a boy, they were singing something. Then they kissed. I heard a splash after, and the video cut off.


It was that accident on the other day, where those two have kissed. Strangely, I'm hurt by it. I looked at my side and to my surprise, it was the worst person to have ever come here, infront of this screen.


She looked at the monitor, terrified and shocked. Her eyes seemed watery, as she tried to stop the tears from falling off. Obviously, I took action and comforted her. Her breathing was rapid, as she tried to keep her eyes open for as long as she could. Her eyes, it didn't stop moving towards the monitor.

"Pin, Pin.. calm down.." I whispered, everyone was circling, whispering. She was hurt, and needed comfort. I pulled her out of the crowd, and into somewhere safer, where no one couldn't see. "Okay, Breathe.. follow my breathing, okay?" All she could do was nod, and follow. "Inhale.. exhale.. That's it, atta girl." Her breathing calmed, but she still wasn't fine. Pin started to sob, as she knelt down to the ground and cried. "Are you okay?" I ask, kneeling beside her. She shook her head, and kept crying. I sighed, and kept still there.

Coiny's POV:

  Leafy and I had just gotten out of the student meeting, about the fall event we were planning onto. We went to the hall, to go back to our rooms. The people looked at us, whispering. This was strange, this has never happened before. Pen appeared in front of me, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the hall t.v. There, I saw a video of me and Leafy, and that accident just the other day. It repeated, at that particular part. It didn't seem right, as if it was.. controlled. I ran to the radio room, and saw a usb drive connected to the computer. I pulled it off, and took the drive with me.

Somebody planted all of this.

When I got back, things just worsened up. I saw Pin, her eyes teary and red. Next to her was Firey, patting her shoulder as he glanced at me. His eyes gleamed of anger, and disgust.

Pin saw what had happened.

I tried to approach the, but Firey quickened his steps, and left with Pin, taking her away from me. I wanted to chase them, but Leafy was there too. She was scared of what she had just seen. "Coiny, I'm sorry.. I'm such an assho-" "No, Leafy— it's not your fault, okay? It's mine, and I'll take responsibility of it." I cut her off, but it seemed that she doesn't agree. "No. I should've been more careful and aware." She said, as she pushes me to the side and chased down both Firey and Pin.

Leafy's POV:

  My chest stings, and my eyes burn. Pin's eyes, they made me tremble. I was at fault, like a murderer caught in act. Firey, I can't even describe what he whispered to me earlier. It hurt me a lot, but I kind of deserve it anyway. I kept up with Pin and Firey, blocking their way.
"Leafy, go away." Firey hissed. "You're worsening the situation." I fought back against him. "No. I'm not going anywhere until I have taken responsibility of this mess." Firey looked mad, I have never seen him like this. He exhaled, and walked to the side, nudging my shoulder. "Stay away." Said he, as he walked away further and further. I look at Pin, helpless and broken. She looked at me, and I could already feel the distrust in her heart.

I was now alone. Again.

I didn't want to go and face Firey, after this whole mess. Nor could I reach out to anyone. I couldn't reach out to Coiny obviously, and the boys too. The girls, I'm afraid of them. Even Needle, since she and Pin are related. The Lounge was filled with students too, and I would be prone to the students' mischievous pranks if I slept in the clinic.

I looked out, the forest seemed very clear tonight. No rain, or smoke. It seemed like the perfect place to stay in for the night, at least.

...Maybe I was wrong.

It was dark, but I had my phone. It wasn't so cold too. The river provides enough coolness, plus the stars are visible at this time of the day. It's been quite a while since I've been stargazing. I had probably forgotten all of the constellations I knew back then. It was calming, crickets chirped, and it was all peace and quiet. My eyes felt drowsy, and tired. I felt sleepy, and just let myself sleep. In the forest, alone.

-Next Day-

  A soft pair of hands awakened me, shaking my shoulders. I couldn't see very well, but it was a blur of pink infront of me. Things started to get clear. It was Flower. She was shaky, looked sickly, and horridly pale. "Flower? Are you okay?" Flower shook her head, as she fell to the ground. "I think— I got poisoned.." My eyes widened, and carried her. Boy, she was heavy. I thought she took a diet. "Why didn't you go to the clinic?"

"It was.. locked.."

Strange. The Clinic, Locked? That's.. not normal. The clinic is always open, and never locked. Why would they lock it?

I carried Flower throughout the school, and found my way to the clinic. It was locked. Nobody was inside. Where could be the nurse? There wasn't any nurse. No one nearby. I had to act fast. Calling 911 could be the best option but I can't wait any longer. It could just be a little stomach worm, but what if was something worse? Then it'd be my fault again. I grab my phone, realizing I was low. I took Flower's phone, it was dead. "Dammit." I cursed, looking around for a telephone. There wasn't any.

Flower looked weak already, I can't have her pass out on me. I tried kicking the door of the clinic, but nothing. I can't leave flower and call for help. Nor carry Flower AND call for help. Both are timely. I budged my shoulder and back to the door, and nothing worked. Then I remember. The window.

I retreated at the very back of the hall and charged at the window.

There was a crack. The window doesn't seem so sturdy.


A bigger crack, they're forming visible lines.


It's starting to rip apart, but my arm's hurting.


It opened a small hole, just one last time.


It hurts a lot. But just one more time. Maybe the other arm would do.

After a few tries with my other arm, the window cracked, and I carried flower over it, and got her medication for poisoning. "Are you okay?" I ask her, and she smiled. She seemed fine, but needed rest. I slouched down to the floor, next to Flower's bed. I look at my arms, they're bruised, and possibly bleeding. I sighed, slowly falling asleep. I tried to keep awake, but I was just so fatigued. I haven't ate, and I've slept so late. It hurt, outside, inside. Nothing's going too well today. I fall asleep, leaning my head on the metal bed frame.

Then I hear some footsteps coming closer. Someone's gotten inside the clinic.

(A/N: Oh. I posted again after a year!? Awesome. Enjoy Chapter 17, and I'll try to update this book every monday or so and complete it! Thanks for waiting y'all. <3)

Chapter 18: Lullaby and Comfort

"Are you hurt?" He says, as I look into his buttercream eyes.
"I'm always hurt." I snapped, and he chuckled. "Then can I heal you?" All I could feel was my cheeks burning.

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