Chapter 14

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Before I even had the chance to grab my gym bag and leave, Leo had grabbed me by my arm and dragged me over to the wall.

"What the fuck!?" I shouted, confused and shocked by his sudden movement. In a matter of seconds, Leo had grabbed my right leg, pulled it up so it was against my body and pushed up against me.

I was trapped between the wall and an angry man. My leg was held in place, my heel a couple of inches away from my face.

"This is where your leg is supposed to be. So we're gonna keep it here until you get used to it."

Excuse me?

"Let me go." I asked calmly. It wasn't hurting me, but I was seriously uncomfortable by the situation.

"No." Leo answered simply. His arms had caged mine in so I couldn't even try to push him off me. I wouldn't have been able to match his strength anyway.

"It hurts." I lied.

"No it doesn't."

For fuck sake.

I gave up after that. I let my body go lax and closed my eyes. I wasn't going to win this fight with him.

I don't know how long we were standing there for, but eventually my body did start to ache and I couldn't help but pull a face of discomfort.

"Leo please let me go." I sighed, finally opening my eyes to find him staring straight at me. He looked to be in thought for a few seconds before slowly pulling away from me.

I held onto my leg so it wouldn't suddenly fall to the floor and let it down slowly. The ache in my hip and back of my thigh sub-sided slowly so I could walk on it ok.

Without saying another word, I grabbed my bag from where it was before and left. I could feel Leo's eyes burning into the back of me as I left.


The lunch hall seemed louder than it usually was. I mean, I was stuck on the nosiest table that there was an I was so used to being in the corner of the room with my headphones in and no one bothering me.

Alas, I still spent my lunch with my brother and Leo. I never missed the eagle eye from Ms Hardman whenever she was on duty.

Of course some of Harvey's friends still questioned why I sat with them but Harvey would just tell them to mind their own damn business. I appreciated that.

Hunter still hadn't spoken to me after what happened at the party. I mean I had mostly gotten over it, I just guessed he was pretty embarrassed by it.

I could see Hunter looking at me every now and then but I tried to put him and that whole situation behind me. That and I'm certain Harv said something to Hunter about not saying anything about it.

It was weird though, literally no one had asked me about what happened. I know the video wasn't published anywhere but there were actual people there who saw it and yet not a single soul had spoken about it.

Again, I was going to assume Harvey had something to do with that.

I brought my English book out of my bag to start working on an assessment that we were currently working on so if Ms Hardman came over to me it would look like I was actually doing something worth while.

Leo hadn't shown up to the table yet. I knew he had a lunchtime detention with Mr Yates our History teacher for coming in late and arguing with him.

A tap on my shoulder drew my attention away from the sentence I was writing. My eyebrows narrowed when I discovered it was Ivy who wanted my attention.

"Yes?" I asked bluntly, hoping that if this conversation went sour then my brother would have my back.

"Have you seen Leo? He was meant to meet me like 10 minutes ago." She answered with a pout. Why would she be asking me where he was?

"Uh, I'm not his carer. I don't follow his every move." I shrugged my shoulders at her and went back to my writing. Not three seconds later, a sharp tug on my hair snapped my attention back to Ivy.

"What the hell?" I hissed, not wanting to attract the crowd of the table to our talk.

Ivy leaned forward so she was closer to my ear, a lock of my black hair still in her grasp.

"Listen Eli," It made me cringe when she used my nickname "I don't know or particularly care about whats going on with you and Leo. I know that something is going on though, so that better stop or else." She whispered, her words like venom in my ear.

"I thought you liked my brother." I replied through gritted teeth has she tugged on my hair once again.

"As if, Harvey is getting me what I need. But you're gonna give me what I want." Finally, her grip vanished and she flashed me a sweet, sickly smile before moving over to where my brother was sitting and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

I didn't even want to think about what just happened. I shoved my book into my bag, threw my hoodie on and stood up from the noisy table.

No one noticed that I started to leave so I took my chance to make an escape but as I turned the corner of the canteen I smacked straight into someone.


"Sorry." I muttered the word quick enough for him not to be able to say anything back as I scooted past him and made my way to the art department as it was my next lesson.

"Eli!" Leo shouted my name but I had already made through the first set of double doors.

I just needed all of this to be over with. The ballet, the performance and anything to do with Leo so I didn't have what felt like 50,000 people watching me and breathing down my neck.

I was so used to being the invisible girl at school and in life. Or even just being known as 'Harvey's sister'. Anything would be better than this attention right now.

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