Chapter 49

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Finally, after nearly 6 months of hardcore studying and nonstop practice tests, I had completed my art exam.

I'm pretty sure I got all the dates in the right boxes for all the stupid bits of art that we had to analyse and now it was finally over.

Bye bye Van Gogh, your time is over. Well, it was over quite a few years ago... But for me now, I am done with you.

We were all slowly dismissed from the room, all of us handing in our test papers as we left. Because I was near the back of the room, I was left to last so I didn't have any awkward encounters with Ivy again as I left.

The rest of the day went by in a breeze. I didn't get to see Leo properly because his Mum called him to the office during lunch. I still have no idea what he was pulled in there for, but it's probably to do with the fact that Ms Hardman still doesn't like me.

"You need a lift home?" Harvey asked me as I made my way to the car park.

"Please, I forgot to load the dishwasher yesterday and I know there's a lot to do." I sighed, chucking my bag in the back of his Mini and hopping in the front.

"Oh, backseat, Hunters coming home with us." Harvey stopped me before I managed to sit down and I rolled my eyes, moving to plop myself in the back.

I guess it's not a quiet night again. Plus I'm surprised that Harvey would want to attempt to bring Hunter home with us considering our parents were still home.

"No pranks please, there's only so much more I can take before my brain explodes." I moaned as both boys appeared in the front seat.

"Chill out Eli, we're just revising for our PE assessment tomorrow and then that's our last exam done." Harvey explained as he started the car and pulled out of the school.

"Better be." I rolled my eyes, pulling my phone out my pocket and sending a quick message to Leo to say that I'll see him tomorrow.

"So did you ask her to the dance yet?" Hunter asked Harvey from the front and I was intrigued. Harvey was actually going to ask someone to the dance?

Of all the school dances there had been, Harvey had always gone alone. By choice that is.

"Yea I did this morning, she said she'd let me know." He replied and I just stared between them both.

"Who?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Oh uh you might not know her, she's in the year below." Hunter replied which earned a punch on the arm from Harvey.

"Ow!" Hunter shouted, rubbing his arm and glaring at my brother.

"In the year below?" I was shocked, I didn't think Harvey even spoke to the younger years.

Harvey groaned in frustration as I guessed he didn't want anyone to know that.

"I won't say anything Harv, who is it?" I questioned again.

Harvey simply groaned again as he stopped at a red light.

"Her name is Abigail Turner, yes she's in the year below."

I recognised the name and I could put a face to the name. She was a lovely half-cast girl with the most beautiful cheekbones.

She was pretty popular in her year so I'm not surprised it's her of all people.

"She's pretty, you'll look good together." I replied smiling at him in the rear view mirror.

I know I may seem like I don't care about what my brother does, which is half true, but whenever it came to Harvey and girls, he never dated or even showed interest in them.

It was going to be interesting to see if he does actually go to the dance with Abigail.

By the time we made it home, the conversation topic had changed and they were both ignoring me so I had no trouble exiting the car and hiding away in my room.

As soon as I chucked my bag on my bed, which still had a couple of textbooks littered on it, my phone began to ring from my pocket.

I narrowed my eyes at the caller ID as it was an unknown number. Deciding I had better things to do, I ignored the call and slipped my phone back into my pocket.

Tying my hair up, I made my way to the kitchen to start cleaning up as I knew my Mum was going to shout at one of us for not doing it.

I couldn't wait for them to go back travelling again. Call me rude for not wanting my parents around, but I was used to them not being around and breathing down my neck.

Just as I went to start loading the dishwasher, my phone began to ring again and I let out a frustrated noise.

Once again, the same unknown caller was trying to contact me. This time however, I answered the call.


"Oh uh, Eliana? It's Brendon."

Why the hell was he calling me? And why is his number unknown? I'm pretty sure I still have his contact in my phone.

"Hi Brendon. Everything ok?" Tucking my phone on my shoulder and holding it in place with my ear, I carried on loading the dishwasher.

"Yea yea everything's great, I was just hoping to talk to you about something."

"Sure, what's up?"

Behind me, I could hear Harvey and Hunter in the front room turning on the Xbox and cracking open a couple of beers. So much for the PE assessment.

"Well I thought it was only right to tell you, I was asked to the dance tomorrow by a girl in your year. I said I would because it'll be nice to see some of my old friends before they all leave."

I paused. Brendon was going to be at the dance? Just when I thought I wouldn't have to see him again?

Who would've asked him?

"Who asked you?"

"You might know her, Ivy Smith?"

I had to hold the phone away from my ear and take a few moments to breath. Of fucking course.

Every last attempt to get to me.

There was no way I was going to let this affect me. Ivy can waste all her time trying to hurt me and other people but after tomorrow, I don't have to deal with her childish plays.


I could hear Brendon down the end of the phone so I brought it back to my ear.

"Hey, sorry busy cleaning up, and yea that's no problem with me. Just know obviously I'm going to be there with Leo, but I'll say hi." I had to force a cheery smile at the end of my sentence to at least sound like I wasn't dreading seeing him again.

"Ok brilliant, just wanted to double check it was ok. I'll see you tomorrow then." Brendon finished, his voice sounding as if he was excited.

Closing my eyes, I held back a sigh "Yea, see you tomorrow."

Ending the call, I had to rub at my eyes in an attempt to push away the headache that was creeping into my brain.

One more day Eli. That's all it is.

One more freaking day and I could put all the bullshit behind me and move on to my dreams.

And have Leo by my side the whole way.


Hello hello hello yes I know I am a terrible person for taking this long to update and I should be SHOT.

But I've had to move again and I'm currently waiting to be housed so I'm a bit all over the place (when am I not lmao)

So thank you for being patient with me and thank you so so sooooo much for nearly 25,000 reads❤️

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