Chapter 46

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"I'm sorry I can't see you any sooner, I just don't wanna push it with your parents still around."

Just hearing Leo's voice down the phone made me nerves settle a little more. I wasn't going to be able to see him properly until the dance next weekend, all we could see of each other was in exams in school so there was no way we would be able to get even 30 minutes with each other in between both of us revising.

"It's ok, I don't really want you around while they're here to be honest. I just hope they're here for the usual duration of 2 weeks like they normally do before they up and leave again." It sounded harsh, but since they've been back my routine and my life has been turned upside down.

"Oh, forgot to ask, what colour is your dress? I wanna make sure I don't clash colours." Leo laughed down the phone and I couldn't help but feel all giddy. He wanted to make sure we matched for the dance.

"It's pale gold, so black tie will be fine." I said, finally finishing the last few sentences of my Music revision and closing my workbook shut.

"Ok great." The line went silent for a few seconds "Are you sure you're ok? You didn't seem too happy after the family chat you all had earlier."

I hesitated, not wanting to bring it up again.

The conversation between my Mum, Dad and Harvey was hard. There was a lot of shouting, crying and swearing. In the end we all settled on they would leave again, and Harvey and I would go on living like we did before, only now having to find jobs to pay for the house.

But there was an agreement to have monthly video chats with all of us and regular communication so we wouldn't lose touch like we did before.

I'll give that two months before it stops and no one bothers to keep to it.

"Yea I'm ok. Just gonna have to work through it until they leave again which won't be long I'm sure."

I talked to Leo for another 10 minutes or so before we hung up since it was getting late. I was surprisingly not tired for it being 11pm on a Sunday night and from the day I'd had, I should have been feeling emotionally exhausted.

Instead I just lay in bed, revision text books surrounding me and a cat spread out on my stomach so I couldn't move.

My eyelids began to flutter close but the sound of a tap tap tap at my window made me slowly sit up in bed.

I scooped Loki off of me and gently placed him next to me on the bed. It sounded like someone was throwing rocks at my window.

My mind instantly went to Leo but since he said he didn't want to risk coming to the house, it made me really debate if it was.

Cautiously, I made my way to the window and slowly peeled back my curtain, peeping out into the darkness of the night to see if the light in my room would illuminate who it was.

It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the figure standing a few feet away from my window, my breath catching in my throat when I made out who it was.


My ex boyfriend who I hadn't heard from in nearly two years. The one who literally fell off the face of the earth when my parents made us break up.

He looked different then he did before. His dark brown hair wasn't short and fashionably styled like it used to be, it was grown out and dusted around his jawline.

He even had some light stubble on his face, which definitely made him look older than the 18 year old he was.

I thought I was hallucinating at first but when he waved his hand at me, as if to ask to open my window, I knew it was real.

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