There is More in You

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Judy glared hard at him. What they didn't know is that Gerhard was watching them. He was getting concern for the two and went out to check on them, only to find them arguing.

"Well guess what?! All that good is gone!" She shouted. "She is bad now! Does her ruining your projest Obsidian proof enough!?" She asked him. "So can you please learn to stop clinging on hope she will get better!?"

"Oh!? Like how you will stop clinging on the fact your family lied to you and Murlock is one of them now!!?" He shouted at her face.

Judy let out a gasp of this, her eyes got tears in them. She back away from him.

It was then that Varian realize what he done. He started to apologize. "J-Judy! I'm-I'm sorry!" He said. "I-I-I didn't mean to-"

"No, you're right." Judy said, voice cracking. "I thought I was gonna get better, when clearly I'm not.." she cried. "I am still the weak soul.. I just want to be like Rapunzel and Eugene.." she turn and run away, crying.

"Judy!!" Varian shouted. He is about to chase after her, but Gerhard stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder.

Gerhard said with a sad voice. "You better let her be. She is still coping like we are."

Varian sighed, with a frown. "I am such a idiot." He said. "Why did I say those things?"

Gerhard gave him a hug, Varian hugged him close. The two felt more like brothers than ever.

Judy sobbed alone as she sat near a tree, her head on her knees with her arms covering her face. Why does this keep happening to her? Her perfect life have turn grim and ruined. After finishing crying, she wipe her tears away. Maybe she should go back and apologize to Varian for what she said about Casandra.

But right after she stood up, she felt something behind her. She turn around and see William coming to her with a sinister grin.

She gasped. "Hello my angel." William cooed. "It had been so long since we last seen each other."

His hands glow a green flame, giving him a sinister look that frighten Judy more.

She back away from him, not expecting him to come back or have flames in his hands. What is his doing here? Shouldn't he be back at England? How did he get here?

"W-William? What is going on here? How did you get magic?" She ask him so much question from her mind, which is in fact freaking out.

"All in due time my darling~" William smirked, walking to her. "What's a beautiful angel like you doing here so alone? Did you and Varian get into a fight?" He chuckled.

"How did you know- Have you been spying on us?!" She shouted at him. She back away from him till she hit a tree on her back.

William walk to her till he is close to her. "He doesn't deserve a heavenly angel like you." He said. "He is still the villain he was, he will never change. You are better off with someone that treats you like a princess."

"Varian is not a villain! He changed for real!" Judy shouted. "You have no right to say that!"

William smirk have change to a frown, like he was not expecting this. "He have brainwash you, you have been so wrapped up in his little world you have forgotten about yourself." He said. "But don't worry.." he raise his hand. "...I will erase all memory of him out of you mind for good."

Judy eyes widen of this. He can't be serious. She act on defense and kick him on the one place where the sun never shine. He let out a painful grunt and back away, giving Judy access to run back to the pub.

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