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A/n the picture is what Gellert is wearing.

You and Queenie had spent hours shopping looking for your perfect dress, Queenie had insisted upon it and dragged you to a nearby town to look. And surprisingly you actually found a dark green dress you liked,it wasn't fancy or slutty it was Queenie had even said a certain platinum blonde would also like it,to which you playfully hit her on the arm. You also got earrings and shoes to go with the dress.

When the two of you returned to Nurmengard you assured Gellert that you had a dress, before going to his room to have a little rest,you no longer felt comfortable in your own room.

You had only been asleep for a few hours when Queenie barged in
"Time to get up" you groan and hide under the duvet,but she yanks it off the bed
"Ok ok,I'm up" you tell her. After taking a bath it is time to get dressed. You slipped on your dark green dress,you put your green earrings in your ears, that had snakes on them,you put on your Deathly Hallows necklace which Gellert had given you and put on your green heels that weren't to high. You left your hair down and didn't wear makeup you never did.

Once done you turn to Queenie who is wearing a light blue dress and ask
"So how do I look?"
"You look incredible" Queenie said"I know someone who won't be able to keep there hands off you" she added with a smirk
"Queenie Goldstein, don't make me more nervous than I already am" you tell her.

You and Queenie left Gellert's room and head to the ballroom,which Gellert had added to the castle. Once outside,you took a few deep breaths,and the doors opened to a very crowded ballroom. Grindelwald said he would wait for you close to the doors. He is currently talking to some followers,when you and Queenie entered. Credence,who is Queenie's date for the evening, said something to him and he turned around. The moment you locked eyes with him,your mouths dropped open at the sight of each other.

Eventually he pulled himself together and strode over to you,pushing followers out of his way Credence trying his best to keep up with the dark wizard. Queenie and Credence stood to the side as you stood with your man
"You look incredibly beautiful my dear" Gellert said to you
"Thanks" you say blushing"you look very handsome yourself"you add
"I know I'm gorgeous,you don't have to tell me that" he says winking at you, causing you to blush more.

Even though Gellert is only wearing black tuxedo robes, a dark blue shirt with no tie,he is still the best looking man in the room. His platinum blonde hair is perfect,his one whiteish blue eye and one chocolate brown eye held your E/c ones captive.
"I have a gift for you my dear" and he took out a long black box and opened it,inside is a beautiful Russian Diopside bracelet

"I have a gift for you my dear" and he took out a long black box and opened it,inside is a beautiful Russian Diopside bracelet

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A/n that is the bracelet he gives you

"Gellert,it's beautiful" you tell him, as he puts the bracelet on your wrist
"Not as beautiful as you"
"Now your being cheesy".

Dark Temptation Gellert Grindelwald x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now