Where are you?

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You made your way to the library, once there you found Credence by the door waiting on you. You take him to the part of the library where you found the Sherlock Holmes book and hand him the next one. Whilst he heads back to his room,you look for your next book also, because of this whole nonsense with this admirer person,you hadn't been able to sit and read with Gellert.

You find the next book, The Murder On The Links. You got a sudden feeling that someone is watching you,but there was no one else in the library. Or so you thought. You turn back to the book,to read the back,only to feel a cloth placed over your mouth and everything go black.

Meanwhile back in his office, Gellert is wondering why you hadn't come to get him for your daily walk. So he headed to the living room to see if you where in there,but all he found was Veranda and Credence.
"Credence where's y/n?" Gellert asks him
"Last I saw, she was still in the library" he tells the dark wizard,and with that Gellert heads to the library. Once there he asks the librarian if she has seen you
"She was over by the mystery books,not ten minutes ago"

Except you weren't at the mystery books or the entire library,Gellert had searched the whole library at least ten times,but you weren't there. He was beginning to get worried.

He headed to the kitchen to see if you where in there,but it was only Queenie he found
"Are you alright sir?" She asks
"I can not find y/n anywhere" he tells her worriedly
"That's not like her at all sir" Queenie tells him, whilst Gellert was talking to Queenie, Credence went to your room to see if you where there. Seconds later he charges down to the kitchen and says out of breath
"Sir...y/n...gone..." Gellert runs out the kitchen with Credence and Queenie behind him,once he got to her room he stopped.

It looked like Credence is right,your whole room is a mess,stuff is all over the place. Gellert stood in the middle of the room looking around him. Credence arrived with Queenie and they stood in the door way,not knowing what to say or do.

"Sir,your foot" Queenie says pointing to his left boot,he looked down and moved his foot. Underneath his boot is your necklace and bracelet he had given you. He bent down and picked them up and just looked at them.

Had you really left him?

Dark Temptation Gellert Grindelwald x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now