Birth of max

186 4 0

4 months later

charlie POV

I was asleep and then I felt pin in my stomach.I then felt the bed wet.the pain was starting to hurt.


casey-*comes in* what's wrong baby.

charlie-my water broke take me to the hospital.


Casey carried me to the car and drove to the hospital. he called the boys to meet us there.I was sent to a room for when your pregnant.(a/n just go with it)

the doctor came in and said it would take a little bit of hours till the baby comes.

hours later

doctor…-ok charlie get ready to push.

Charlie pushed and all ways did what the doctor told him.

I hear baby cries.I smiled.the doctor hand me the baby and said congratulations.

he called the boys in.

tom-good job

casey-well what should we name him

charlie-max Jones Johnson

casey-i love it

doctor-name of the baby and the godparents.

casey-the name is max Jones Johnson and the godparents are James and chris.

doctor-ok thank u

charlie-we made a family.

casey-we sur did.


child record

name:Max Jones Johnson

parents-charlie Jones and Casey Johnson.

godparents-James and chris

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