Chapter Two - Get Me The F**k Out Of Here

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Two days after the funeral, I traveled back to school. I genuinely didn't perceive that the first day I would go back to school to be one of the greatest days of my existence. That morning I was running late to the bus, and Jason was drunk the night prior. On my way to my first period, I noticed my best friend, Jessica. I had barely any allies, the particular friend that I had was Jessica, I hung out with her a lot after school, trying to stay abroad from Jason. I also exposed some secrets that Jason wanted me to hold from everybody else at the school. He didn't know that Jessica already knew many other things that he has done to me. During lunch I spoke to her about the circumstance that developed the night prior, she responded, "Wow, I can't believe he would do such a thing like that to you."

The night prior, Jason aimed a beer bottle in the vicinity when I was in my room listening to music.

He said, "You son of b*tch, you're just like your mother. Just wanting to keep away from me... I'm your father and I can tell you what to do, where to go, what people to see... If I see you hanging out with that Jessica girl ever again, I will ground you for a month and you will get lick with the belt 5 times each day, do I make that CLEAR!" He repeated, "DO I MAKE THAT CLEAR, Emily Cheyenne Jenkins?"

I replied, "Yes... I mean yes sir."

"Well... Do you see this?" He asked, holding my Billie Joe Armstrong poster in his hand.

"This will be you when once, I see you with that Jessica girl," he said tiring up my Billie Joe Armstrong poster in half.

I noticed a teacher walk up to the table, "Hello, Emily, I'm sorry for your loss. Your mom would have wanted you to have this," the teacher declared, handing me a red envelope which had my name on it.

The teacher walked away, then Jessica demanded, "What do you think is inside?"

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The teacher walked away, then Jessica demanded, "What do you think is inside?"

I responded, "I don't know. It looks like we are going back to class, I'll text you later," I responded walking into the line the class was forming.

Whenever we arrived back in class; I crammed the envelope in my backpack.

A few hours later, I reached home from the bus. I detected something was going on outside; the police were there. I spotted an officer walking pass me, speaking to Jason, handcuffed,"... You have the right to an attorney, and it will appoint if for you. If you waive these rights and talk to us, anything you say may be used against you in court..." The police officer put Jason in the car and then drove off.

One police officer named, Miranda, informed me to gather my belongings and to get into the police car. I had a feeling that I should bring the red envelope which was provided to me earlier.

Also, I grabbed: some clothes, pillow, toothbrush/toothpaste, CDs, and placed them inside my suitcase.

"Hi, sweetie, we will take you to the police station for the night," Miranda said while I was sitting down in the passenger seat.

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