Chapter 11 - Hey look, a Sherries!

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Chapter 11
Hey look, a Sherries!👀


I figured after seeing Carmen again, I should see my friends that I haven't really talked to since summer. So I FaceTime July. My ultimate bestie. Then we get Buffy and Chloe on the FaceTime. Of course I wear my wig. They also don't know about my true identity. Only my family does.

I scream when July mentions that she's dating Sebastian. Seb is the jock at my old school, meaning that he's popular. I'm not really surprised that July was hooking up with Seb because July looks really gorgeous. It was only a matter of time. We talk about Sebastian for awhile and then we talk about how I'm adjusting to my new life. I don't tell them about Casey or Dylan.

After awhile of talking about boys, school and planning on visiting me on the weekend, Buffy and Clo leave the FaceTime. July stays on a bit longer.

This time I tell July about the new 'friends' I made at my school. I describe Casey's personality and Jordan's. Then finally Dylan's. When I finish she had loads to say.

"Casey is a bitch. She sounds like my step mom."


"I swear I will beat her the fuck up!"

"At least Dylan had the balls to apologize. It's not like Casey would. Or Jordan."

"I like Dylan. His brother sounds like a pussy though."

"You should befriend him. Seniors are awesome and they know where the best parties are."


"I will come over there if I have too!!!"

When she's done with her temper tantrums I tell her the cold hard truth. 'I don't like Dylan. I'm staying far away from his kind as much as possible.'

She slumps. "Ugh. You can be so boring sometimes. I swear, you never have fun."

That was a lie. Me and her used to go on vacations with my family all the time. She just thinks that I have to take risks a little. Get a boyfriend. Show a little skin.

'Bye July.' I wave goodbye.

"Wait! Emmy! Don't you dare-"

I shut my computer, the face call ends.

I bounce off my bed. It's currently 9:57 am and I have yet to put on clean clothes. I take a shower. When I get out I'm soaking wet. I wrap myself in a towel and walk into my room. I face a mirror. I glance at my features. My real self.
I notice my blue eyes first. They're so blue.

Crystal blue like in the movies. Even though I'm not a movie star my eyes seem to be calming. Almost breath taking. My hair is slid back from my face. It's wet and falls over my shoulders. Not quit reaching the middle of my back. When my hair dries it will be frizzy but no one knows. I always wear a wig to cover my hair. My nose is a sharp tool as sharp as my jawline. My face is shaped into a chubby round feature, even though I'm skinny.

I don't know how long I stare at myself. It could've been seconds or minutes. I like myself like this. I like my black hair instead of blonde hair. I like my clear face instead of having to put freckles on my cheeks every morning. I like my eyes without glasses on them.

In that moment I make a decision.

I won't be Emerald today. I won't hide myself from the world. Not today. I want to be Alexandra for once, just for once. I want to dress myself, be myself, look myself.

This time I'm going to actually put on my favorite denim shorts and match them with a sexy body suit underneath. Today is my day. Nor my mom or even fucking Casey will take this away from me. I'm a boss and it's about time everyone knows.


I snuck out of my house.

My mom is gone anyway. She told me before hand that she was traveling to Clarkson, Georgia. To give a speech for a college there. She'll be back tomorrow. So Ms. Kinney is in charge. She likes when I dress myself so she let me go.

Technically, I didn't really sneak out then.
Ms. Kinney just likes me. She told me once that I'm her favorite Janey out of Mama and Izzy. Janey is my mom's maiden name.

I have money, my phone, phone charger, a blanket, a lock to my bike, fruit snacks, granola bars, a jacket and a knife in my bag. I also have pepper spray just in case. Can never be to careful.

I get on my bike and ride. I don't have a destination in mind but it just feels good to have the wind whip in my hair. I ride past a bakery, a wedding store, a subway, a Sherries- Wait. A Sherries?

I stop my bike. I look behind me and see a Sherries. Yep, that's Sherries. I turn my bike around and ride in the parking lot. I park it in a bike rack and lock it up. Then I push my way into the famous Sherries that I've heard so much about.

I don't get what's so great about Sherries. I ordered pancakes and the pancakes were amazing but pancakes are always amazing. The pancakes tasted like every other pancake I've had before. Sherries just seems like any other restaurant. I don't get what all the fuss about it is. Maybe I should come here later. When it isn't almost eleven. When it's not breakfast and there's more to choose from. Breakfast is bland anyway. I need lunch or supper food. I need hamburgers and French fries.

I take the rest to go, pack up, pay and leave. I'll come back tonight. Tonight's food will be better.

I explore the town. I explore valleys, neighborhoods, other parks, rivers (I don't swim in them,) antique stores and this one voodoo shop that creeped me out.

I ride my bike to a field. Just a random field that's by a hill. I drop my bike in the freshly cut grass and open my back pack. I get out my blanket and a couple fruit snacks. I stay there for awhile. Exploring the town is more exhausting then I thought. And it's a small town! I haven't even discovered the other half off it yet. I've heard the other half is off limits though. It's a bad neighborhood like the library. The neighborhood isn't really that horrible it's just...also abandoned. Like the bar.
I spread the blanket out, right on top off the hill. I lay on it as I eat my snacks. You shouldn't really lay down while eating otherwise you could choke but I'm a rebel. No one cares about that stuff anyway. I eat the rest of my fruit snacks and wrap myself in my jacket. I stare at the clouds for who knows how long. It's comfy here. The grass is kinda poking but this kinda feels like home. Like my bed without the pillow and sheets. But I got my backpack. I'll use that as a pillow...



I jerk awake. I'm still laying on the hill when I come to.

What happened? Did I sleep here? What time is it?

I scramble to open my backpack and find my phone.

6:13. 6:13!

Damn. I slept for 5 hours! In the middle of nowhere! I look around as I put my stuff together. My bike is still here and nothing is out of the ordinary. I must have imagined that sound that woke me up. A squirrel probably ran over a stick or something. No biggie.

Once my stuff is packed I put on my jacket and ride the heck away from there. I ride to a park. The one where Izzy and I went too once. Where Carmen was crying and where I'm going to eat the rest of my pancakes because I'm starving.

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