It's Too Late To Apologize

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Poem 1-

It's too late to apologize.
Too late to say sorry.
Too late to beg on your knees and plead for forgiveness
'cause that's what your parents taught you when you're wrong.

It's too late to apologize. I am broken.
I am numb to my core because of you.
It's too late to apologize.
I am destroyed because of you.

You brought this upon me.
This mess you created is your fault.
So when I tell you it's too late to apologize,
I mean it.

You're cruel, evil...a Monster.
I can't...I won't stand by and be near you,
When you ruin everything you touch.
When you torture, hurt and kill the people I love.

You have torn me apart,
Left me in the dust,
Ripped me to pieces until nothing remained.
I am empty and want to cry every second of the hour.

But I have forgiven you!
I forgive you for the terrible, unthinkable things you did to me.
I forgive cause I refuse to be the monstrous
creature that you are.
I know that's exactly what you want of me.

I will not give myself to you.
As long as I live I won't be any version of you.
I have forgiven you even though you thought I wouldn't.

But it is worth it.
All the pain and suffering to know I brought justice.
I brought revenge for my loved ones.

And now I feel relief.
I feel peace.
I may be broken
but I will live in peace.


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