Chapter 2 - Bitch Get Off Me

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Chapter 2
Bitch Get Off Me

I ended up on their balcony. After Dylan and I joked about what I should call him he was ushered away by his mother to greet more of his guests. After awhile of more walking I found some back stairs and then I climbed my way to a balcony. Now I'm just standing here in the breeze. Staring at a sunset. Staring at a garden. And staring at walls of bushes that form a maze. I kind of want to explore that. If all of this is in their front yard then I wonder what their backyard looks like.
I hear footsteps approach from behind me and for a moment I wonder if it's Dylan. No. It won't be. It's probably Izzy or mom. The person behind me snakes there hands around my waist and leans in close. He rests his chin on top of my head with no effort at all. I instantly know that he's tall and a man. His sneak attack forms into a hug and he removes my scarf to kiss my neck. "There you are Casey. I've been looking for you."
I'm definitely not fucking Casey.
I try to shout at him to stop but I remember that I can't speak so I step on his toe and pull away from him. He cringes in pain. "What the frick, Casey!?" He looks up at me, expecting me to answer, when he sees my horrified expression he realizes that I'm not his girlfriend. "Oh. Shit, sorry. I thought you were someone else."
I stare at him with disgust and start to leave. I have no interest in trying to communicate anymore. Jordan stops me though. "Emerald. Can you not tell Casey about this. She would get crazy jealous."
I'm not even gonna question on how the fuck he knew my name already but I didn't really care anyway. Teenagers have their own way of getting information. I give him a tight nod and leave him on the balcony. I run until I could see the dance floor again. Half the people were filing into the empty room I saw earlier, only it wasn't empty anymore. Chairs, tables and antique silverware were lined in rows ready for people to use them. Although there was no food on the plates I'm sure once everyone was seated we would be served immediately. I walk into the rooms and try to find my name on any of the plates. When I can't find my name I walk into another room to find my sister and mother. They've already been seated and are waiting for everyone else. I notice that I'm meant to sit in between them so I walk over and join them. They see me and instantly bebard me with questions on where I was.
I answer with a "I went to the bathroom but couldn't find my way back here." After a while I noticed that the table I've been assigned too is a little smaller then the other tables. Then Mr. Besher walks in along with his wife and their two sons.
"I just don't understand why Casey can't sit with us." I could hear Jordan say as he walked in but no one commented about his complaints.
Apparently Jordan has finally found his girlfriend.
Mr. Besher ignores Jordan and sits at the head of the table. Directing his attention to Tyrese instead. "I'm glad you were able to join us at our gathering. We have it every year and I hope we'll see you at the next gathering too."
"It was lovely for you to invite us. I haven't gone out in awhile so this was refreshing." She puts on her heartfelt smile.
The rest of the family takes there seats. Kerry sits next to Morty. Dylan across from Izzy and Jordan across from me. I'm starting to realize that none of the other guests will be eating in this room. It's just us and the Beshers. It's unsettling. Dylan and Jordan also realize this since I can see the shock look in their eyes. Mama and Izzy probably didn't know this either but they don't look surprised, their poker face dominates instead of their shocked face. I also have my poker face on too.
As conversations erupt between Jordan and Dylan, Mom, Morty and Kerry, Izzy signs to me like she doesn't want anybody to know what she's saying. Before she can get half way through her sentence I interrupt her and tell her that Dylan knows sign language. Her eyes bulge in surprise but her eyebrows crease in confusion. Before she could gather her thoughts Morty called to her. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but is there a problem Isabelle? Are you gifted with no hearing?"
After listening to what Mr. Besher said she turns to me. She doesn't need to tell me what she's thinking this time. I nod my head as a gesture that tells her she can speak on my behalf. She turns back to Morty and does just that. "No but my sister is deaf. Emerald can't hear anything but she can read lips. She can understand what we're talking about even if I speak fast."
I nod in agreement with her.
"Can I ask how it happened?" Kerry asks in a soft angelic voice. The curiosity getting the best of her.
Izzy answers for me. "She was born deaf."
The room falls silent after those words. It's amazing how people can be apologetic towards you when they don't even know half the story. Before anyone could speak, servers come out and bring us our food. I instantly start eating, not having the energy to socialize until tomorrow.
They can go ahead and believe that I'm deaf. They can even sulk about it. Pity me or glance my way with there sorrow eyes but they still won't know half the story. Hopefully they won't ask questions and will still believe I'm deaf. In reality I'm not.
I was never.

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