Love Language

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"Baby what you doing" Symere asked walking into the room sitting next to me on the bed.

"Nothing what's wrong honey" I asked putting my phone down looking up at him.

"Nothing" He said playing with his fingers.

"You do know that I know when you're lying right, tell me what's wrong" I said sitting up grabbing his hand.

" I want to cuddle" He said nervously making me smile.

"Of course, come on baby" I told him pulling his hand. "You know you don't have to feel bad about wanting to cuddle right" I asked as he laid his head on my chest.

"I know but I don't wanna be a bother" He said looking up at me.

"I'm your girlfriend it doesn't bother me that you want to cuddle, you always hold me when I ask or even when I don't ask" I told him rubbing his back. "I know that your love language is physical touch and I love that, I love cuddling with you" I told him running my fingers through his hair.

"Sorry I didn't want you to feel smothered since I do cuddle you when you don't ask but I'm happy to know that it doesn't bother you" He said licking his lips.

"How was your day tho baby" I asked massaging his scalp making his eyes roll back.

"Stressful, I'm tired of spending all these hours in the studio I wish I could spend a whole week like this" He sighed wrapping his arms around me puling me closer.

"You can, we both make our own schedules, whenever you're ready I'll take off and we can cuddle for a week" I told him making his eyes light up.

"You for real" He asked pulling my leg over him.

"Yes baby" I said giggling at his excitement.

"Let's do it right now" He said picking his phone up. I texted my best friend/ assistant and told her she gotta hold the shop down for a week before putting my phone on the nightstand. He sat his phone down and looked up at me. "I love you" He said pecking my lips.

"I love you more" I told him kissing him again before he laid his head back on my chest falling asleep. "I love it here" I whispered watching him sleep till I fell asleep myself.

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