Teach Me How To Love

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This is BIG Simp shit Melly will not be a bad person in this imagine sorry NOT sorry

This is BIG Simp shit Melly will not be a bad person in this imagine sorry NOT sorry

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"I love you" I said to Melly hoping he would finally say it back. We been together for 2 years and I just started saying it but he hasn't said it back.

"I know" He mumbled making me huff and sit up. "What" He asked sitting up as well.

"Why can't you say it back" I asked folding my arms.

"Why you making it a big deal" He asked tilting his head.

"Cause it's rude asf, if you don't love me you can say that so I can be loved by somebody else cause I'm tired of hearing I know" I yelled getting up.

"When did I ever say I don't love you" He said pulling me back on the bed.

"When did you ever say you do" I yelled slapping his hand away.

"Stop yelling at me, don't forget who the fuck you talking to" He yelled grabbing my throat slamming me on the bed.

"Get the fuck off of me Jamell" I growled digging my nails in his wrist.

"You wouldn't understand Queen" He said letting go sitting on the side of the bed.

"Understand what Jamell" I asked sitting up.

"I don't know how to love Q, I was never loved before I met you I don't know how to love, how am I supposed to tell you I love you when I don't know what love is" He said with his head down.

"How do I make you feel" I asked crawling over wrapping my arms around his neck.

"What you mean" He asked looking up at me.

"How do you feel when I'm around" I asked rubbing his chest. "Not sexually but on the inside" I say against his neck kissing it.

"I feel all mushy and happy, and when you not around I feel lonely even when other people around" He said taking a deep breath. "I guess you give me butterflies cause when you talk or kiss me I feel tingly and shit" He said playing with his fingers.

"It sound like you're in love but I won't pressure you into saying it, I wish we would've had this conversation sooner tho" I told him unwrapping my arms. "Turn around" I say sitting criss cross. He turned around still looking at his hands.

"Can you teach me" He asked looking up at me.

"Teach you what babe" I asked grabbing his hands locking our fingers.

"Teach me how to love" He said pulling me on his lap.

"Yes I can" I told him pecking his lips.

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