🐍🧪Comethazine Part 2🦠🔫

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Jahmier paced back and forth throughout the waiting room in his blood covered white tee as his boys sat there just as anxious,Natalia was a crying mess as she only could think of her best friends body being shaken as she bled obnoxiously.

"Y'all call Luca's family?"Rakim aka Rocky asked as his leg shook
"They should be here in a few hours ,Chicago ain't close"purrp shook his head

Everything anyone was saying to Jahmier was going in one ear and out the other,he was scared,not for himself but for the possibility that the love of his life won't make it ,he was hurt ,hurt that it was her and not him and lastly he was fuming because whoever it was, had the guts to come and fuck with his purpose for breathing and living everyday ,he fiddled with the large diamond ring he was going to give his girlfriend as an engagement ring before shit went left.

'Luca Carter"The young rookie female nurse called out her name as everyone's attention snapped to her ,they quickly crowded toward her making her adjust her glasses nervously
"F-Family?"she asked looking over Jahmier's bloody shirt and at all the frantic impatient faces

"Luca's Fiancé"Jahmier said as she shook his hand
"Well Ms.Carter was shot twice ,once in the abdomen and once in the thigh ,the one in her leg we quickly removed and patched up but as for the one in the stomach ,the bullet went to her liver and is stuck there ,she's in surgery now but we don't know more than that at this time."she said remorsefully as Natalia began crying

"a qué mierda te refieres con que no sabes nada ahora!"she yelled in her her first language before stopping herself exhaling adjusting her crop top breathing in and out unleashing her hands from purrps arm as he let her go
"Is my best friend gonna live or not?"her voice cracked as she ran her hand through her wavy hair
"Ma'm that all depends on if we can get the bullet out carefully without rupturing any else which I'm going to be honest is very risky ,we'll have more information after surgery which is gonna take a few hours"she said holding the clipboard close to her chest before nodding solemnly and walking away.

Jahmier looked at the ground as he felt like the wind had been knocked out of his body and his heart was ripped from his chest as he held it
Seeing his homeboys condition ,Rocky took it upon himself to take action the way he felt Jahmier would
"Aight now, dex take Natalia home and purrp head back to Jah's house get him whatever you think he'd need while he's here and the rest of y'all follow me back to my place ...we got some shit to do"Rocky said as they nodded before leaving.

Hours went by and Purpp was back but Jahmier was in the same spot he hadn't spoken a word yet,he managed to change into black sweats and a hoodie leaving on his white forces that had blood on the laces as he broke down in the bathroom breaking the mirror in the process.
He sat in his spot looking at the ring as he heard his name being called,he looked up to see a older version of Luca ,it was her mom and Luca's brother and sister.

"Is my baby okay?"she asked as tears rolled down her chocolate cheeks
"She's in surgery now ,she was shot twice, once in the stomach and then in the leg ,they're trying to get the bullet out of her liver"purpp spoke for him
"I should've known better than to let her stay here and be here with you!"she scolded Jahmier as her kids guided her to a chair across from them

Luca's mom ,Evelyn has hated Jahmier from the day that Luca introduced them which is one of the reasons why Luca hasn't spoken to her mom in years on top of her being a horrible person in general which is the main motive to Luca leaving Chicago at 19 .

Minutes later...
"Luca Carter"they announced her name once again as the two boys stood up
"Well surgery was touch and go but we managed to get it out safely-"she started but was interrupted by Evelyn coming over
"Excuse me I'm Luca's mother ,is my child okay?"she asked with her hands on her hips as Jahmier bit his tongue to keep from saying anything.
"Well ma'm ,as I was saying surgery was successful and she's heavily sedated but you can all come see her"the nurse nodded
"That won't be necessary,it's just us three"Evelyn said gesturing towards her kids
"I'm sorry m'am but he has rights to see his fiancé"the nurse pushed up her glasses as everyone followed her
"Fiancé!"she yelled looking back at Jahmier as he rolled his eyes shaking his head not concerned about one word she was saying.

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